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Head Chef
Oct 27, 2011
Near Austin, Texas
What is this? The head is 3-1/2 inches across. The whole is 11 inches. The head is a continuous spring cup. Springy, not rigid. I'm assuming it's a cook's tool.


  • Whatsit.jpg
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Looks like an egg separator. Crack an egg into the bowl and white runs out leaving the yolk behind.
Does it make a "boing" sound? If it does it is a boing generator, otherwise I suppose it could be a plain old egg separator...
MMMMhmmmm egg seperater, but, I still think that our hands are a far better tool for the job. Not to mention, free.

I have a metal one, but usually use my hand.

I Googled egg separator and looked at the image to see if something like GLC was there. It was. But, there were some really gross ones with the egg white coming out of a cup with a face.
Too cool, 4me!

The original separator looks like it would be awkward to use. How can you hold the handle while breaking the egg. Not everyone can break an egg one handedly. I'd probably use it as a spyder.
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In case anybody was as curious as me

I've got to stop having my morning coffee here!
Laughed so hard at that pic. Had me in tears. :ROFLMAO:

Reminds me so much of my FIL. He always had a bad habit of snorting snot, usually around me :LOL:
Too cool, 4me!

The original separator looks like it would be awkward to use. How can you hold the handle while breaking the egg. Not everyone can break an egg one handedly. I'd probably use it as a spyder.

When I am separating eggs I tend to break them into a little prep bowl first..

I have a slotted spoon I use to separate.
When I am separating eggs I tend to break them into a little prep bowl first..

I have a slotted spoon I use to separate.

I use a prep bowl too. Then I separate into the prep bowl. That way if the yolk breaks, I haven't contaminated all of my egg whites.
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You guys are all crazy. It's obviously a tool for clearing ice and slush from your ice hold, while ice fishing. Everybody knows that:ROFLMAO:.

Yeh, it's prbably an egg seperator. But I'd rather be ice fishing than breaking eggs.:rolleyes:

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
i have one. never thought of using it on ice holes... ;)

mine is a boing generator, like frank's. it came in a kit from a music store along with a jews harp, musical saw, and slinky.
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