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Head Chef
Apr 13, 2004
Portland, Or
My Goodness! I was away for just a couple of days and the whole place looks different! Very nicely done I might add!

I have a new darling pup - Gidgett is 6 months old. She chose me - threw herself (all 3 1/2 lbs of her) onto my chest...I had to buy her!

She will be a light silver but right now with her puppy coat growing out she looks like somebody did a bad dye job on her! She's been with me 8 days and has already learned sit, down, touch, roll over, dance and sit-up is coming along.

Well darned it I can't figure out how to post a picture here! I'll have to whine to Kitchenelf for help.
Lindatoo, I'm so glad that you and Gidgett found each other! You sound very happy and I'm sure you're making an excellent dog-mommy! What breed is she?
Thanks, Pa, I'm trying! She's a Tiny Toy Poodle - won't top out at more than 5 lbs. Definately a "carry on" pooch. Her only vice is a bit too much voice but we're working on that!
- she's gonna ask me how to post a picture!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Control yourself Kitchenelf...I THINK I figured it out! ;) Here are my darlings: I thnk....

(crossing everything she can)


  • Gidgett.jpg
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  • Domino.jpg
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Gidgett and Domino have started to get along well - Domino being the Dominant. Yes she does have one blue eye and one brown and and attitude.

Kitchenelf...you're off the hook! Hugs!
Cute babies. Is Gidget's coat chocolate in color? I had to smile at Domino. He looks so regal and in charge. Congrats on your new puppy.


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