What are you eating Friday February 4, 2022?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Brunch was a BLT on toasted homemade bread.


Dinner was Eggplant Parmesan and linguine.

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I made a pan of Chlopski Posilak - or Peasants Bacon and Cabbage. We had it with sourdough bread. Perfect meal for a perfectly awful weather day.

My wife made the best oven fried chicken fingers and honey mustard sauce that I've ever had in my life.

I mean, it wasn't anything fancy. But the chicken was perfectly tender and juicy with a crispy panko and dijon coating, and the honey mustard sauce was whipped with mayo so it was sort of fluffy and light.

I had to laugh, though. We still have yet to use the AF which would have been perfect for this.
my wife made the best oven fried chicken fingers and honey mustard sauce that i've ever had in my life.

...i had to laugh, though. We still have yet to use the af which would have been perfect for this.

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I had a throwback from high school hot lunch days - creamed peas with a canned tuna drained, and mixed in. All that was missing was the noodles. I used fresh, sweet peas for better flavor. Add yellow squash boats with butter, and fresh basil, and steamed broccoli, and that's a filling, if somewhat unimaginative meal. I used to like the mushroom soup/corned beef hash, noodle mixture better.

I won't go into how good the hot lunch program was in my home town, back in the 60's, and 70's. Everything was freshly made on site, with real, fresh food. And as I was not a picky eater, and loved most everything, I often was given extra cheese, or fish sticks, or whatever that other kids didn't care for.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
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