What are you eating Thursday January 28, 2010?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
it is way to early to be awake!! LOL I have been awake all night.

I have had time to think about dinner. At the moment I think it will be roast chicken, stuffing, mashed taters, corn and carrots, gravy and corn bread.

what about you?
I'm craving pancakes.

Are you feeling any better msmofet?
thank you for asking. my stomach feels a bit better. but now the snow has me aching and i have been up all night. i will be ok once the winter is over LOL how are you?
thank you for asking. my stomach feels a bit better. but now the snow has me aching and i have been up all night. i will be ok once the winter is over LOL how are you?

No snow, but still cold here for Florida. My arthritis is screaming at me every morning. My back only let's me sleep about 4 hours, then it's up and at em'.:wacko:
No snow, but still cold here for Florida. My arthritis is screaming at me every morning. My back only let's me sleep about 4 hours, then it's up and at em'.:wacko:
my problems also!! but between the back, athritis AND insomnia i am lucky to get 1 - 3 hours during the day. my aunt moved to arizona for her arthritis and they are getting snow and rain galore this year!! i guess we are all in the same boat and its wonderful to have such good company!! LOL at least we are eating good!!
we are having cast iron fried crispy slab of meatloaf;) with an impromtu beef gravy (meaning I read the directions on the side of a Penzey's beef base container for an "in a pinch" gravy)...I will have some left over baked potatoes and sweet potatoes which dh will probably forego..
Since I'm off work today I decided to be a little creative. I'm doing ravioli (1/2 chocolate) stuffed with roasted butternut squash and bacon sauteed in butter with onion, mushrooms, some capers and marjoram. And I'll do a butternut squash risotto to go with it. I won't have time to a dessert
plans have changed. something with rotis chicken, maybe a spinach, bacon and chicken alfredo over bowties or fusilli.
Wife wants "somthin diff.erent". Comfort food...gonna take boneless skinless chicken thighs and pour a can of mushroom soup on top, bake at three fifty. Is saw on a previous thread where someone places the chicken on 'taters and adds beans and has a one dish meal? I'm open for suggestions...chicken is thawing.....
side note 32 degrees this morning, 60 and bright sunshine now
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Hey grampyjoe, I've done that before. Slice the potatoes, layer them in the bottom with some sliced onion if you like. Put the chicken on top, mix the soup with some garlic, thyme, dry mustard and some grated cheese and pour over top. Bake at 350 for an hourish. My family didn't care for it much (I thought it was fine) so haven't made it again. Sure was a fast clean up though.

Chicken thighs or breasts here. No idea what to do with them. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off today. Might end up doing Shake n Bake and making it easy on myself.
Thanks Alix, the potatoes and onion will make their own gravy...my mouth is watering...out of garlic, got some sage, hold the mustard, and she can put cheese on it if she wants to! I'm excited! Thanks again!
I never made my chicken legs last night. I laid down because I wasn't feeling good and fell asleep. They are in the crock-pot now, so I have no excuses. I'll finish them in the oven... not sure what the sides will be.
Birthday dinner. My lovely wife is making my favorite, beef taco bake.

Happy Birthday va!!!! Is that the bake where you layer seasoned beef, cheese, sour cream, salsa, and tortillas???

Sounds like a lot of chicken being cooked tonight...but... I'm breaking the trend here, we are having baked ravioli and a green salad. Going to go check the garden and see if any carrots or radished survived the Dec/Jan freeze.
We are having a fish soup,with cod,large shrimp,oysters,scallops, and tomatos,onions ,garlic.along with it will be an endive salad,with bacon,crisp apples and dressed with a creamy cheddar dressing. Of course there will be warm crusty French bread.
it is way to early to be awake!! LOL I have been awake all night.

I have had time to think about dinner. At the moment I think it will be roast chicken, stuffing, mashed taters, corn and carrots, gravy and corn bread.

what about you?
0539 is not that early but you might want to try 3 oz of Hiram Walker Kirshwasser just before bedtime. Might result in your sleeping until sunrise (particularly if you sleep in a well ventilated and unheated room).
Today is dh's birthday and he has been helping a friend pack to move to Louisiana. He came in wiped out and I made sausage and sauerkraut and parsley potatoes, rye bread. I think dessert will be ice cream....maybe a banana split.

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