What are you eating Wednesday August 21, 2019?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Dinner was Sausage, Kale and White Bean Soup


August 21
SO and I drove to the Cape Cod Canal and the Herring Run Recreation Area to meet up with a friend I've known since I was 10 YO and his lovely wife. It's a trip we make yearly to catch up and have lunch. There's a small walk up restaurant where we get lobster rolls, clams, etc.

By the time we got home we were tired so a quick dinner of BLT with guac and red onion for me and english muffin pepperoni pizzas for her.
Mezze. Last of the dolmades from the freezer. Homemade pita wedges with tzatziki. Greek pizza with a tomato sauce we use for moussaka with ground beef cooked on it, moz and feta. We were going to use some eggplant, but forgot to put it on the list so it didn't make it.


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    2019-08-21 19.28.04.jpg
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Repurposed leftover grilled chicken with must-cook mushrooms to make a pan of chicken Marsala. Sides were lightly cooked green beans along with shredded Brussels sprouts sauteed in bacon fat and olive oil.
Leftover Crockpot BBQ pork roast turned into pulled pork BBQ buns, handcut oven french fries (used the extra potatoes I blanched last night), green beans from the teeny-tiny garden patch, and milkshakes using up the last of the Church homemade ice cream and a fresh peach. (Church ice cream from Sunday's homemade pie and ice cream social this past Sunday).
I also had BLTs using tomatoes from the garden. Instead of mayo, I used pesto and rubbed garlic slices on the toasted bread. The side was roasted beets.
Taco salad this evening. I could easily have those a few times a month. :yum: Mango, strawberry, and blueberry salad on the side.
Simple fajitas tonight. It was too hot to grill outside, so I used a cast-iron skillet.


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