What are your 3 favorite veggies and favorite ways to do them?

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Hard to pick a few, as I'm a big vegetable fan. I usually prefer them prepared as simply as possible (even raw), with a little citrus - fresh lemon juice (steamed, grilled or roasted).

Top faves - eggplant, artichokes, asparagus, brussels sprouts, squash (zukes, spaghetti, butternut, etc.).

Avocado & tomatoes - together or separately - in a salad, or atop bruschetta. Avocado bruschetta drizzled w/ chimichurri.

Avocado stuffed w/ crab salad.

Green beans, long beans, snow peas - in a stir fry.

Peas & potato salad w/ red onion.

I could go on & on.
It is August--my favorite veggie right now is corn fresh from the field. I like mine cooked in water to which about 2-3 T of milk and 1 tsp of sugar is added. Butter, S&P, garlic powder OR garlic butter OR pesto.

The corn is soooo tender and sweet right off the stalk. Corn is followed by kohlrabi, thinly sliced, S&P. If the tomatoes were ready, corn and tomatoes would be running neck to neck. The things I am not that crazy about (and that grow in the garden) are pumpkins and parsnips. I probably should experiment with savory recipes for pumpkin this fall--looks like the pumpkin plants are doing well. I don't like pumpkin pie. But then, I don't eat a lot of sweets (peaches should be ready soon--oooohhhh--Flora's Peach Cream Pie!!!)
I love many Veggies, prepared simply, butter, salt and pepper but several I love to give the royal treatment. Cardo or cardoon, battered and fried so good rather hard to find tho. Artichokes, steamed then put on the bbq and grilled after marinating in garlic,white balsamic, salt and pepper over night. Asparagus sprinkled with parm after roasting in the oven. brussels sprouts shredded and then cooked in butter, salt and pepper, Italian sweet frying peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes my favorites.
Green Bell, Red Bell, Lettuces of All Types

Though tomato is my fave, as well as eggplant and zucchini; I love salads ... And tomato is actually a fruit, we employ it as a veggie ...

*** see foto


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There is no way I could ever narrow veggies down to my three most favourite. I love veggies. I like them raw, cooked (just tender crisp for most), alone or in a dish made with other ingredients (i.e. spinach stuffed pork tenderloin). I love summer because I have salad at least once a day. I love fall because of corn, brussell sprouts, etc. Zucchini, stuffed or sauted is awesome. Carrots are a mainstay here, as are peas (fresh when we can, frozen the rest of the time), broccoli and cauliflower.

Great thread! :)
taxlady said:
I love corn on the cob, but all I can get around here is bi-colour corn which is far too sweet for my taste. :(

Too funny! The really sweet bi-color corn is my favorite!
Too funny! The really sweet bi-color corn is my favorite!
I love Silver Queen. Use to grow it all the time. The sweeter the better for me. Candy is no-way for me but corn!!! yum. My s-i-l put in a few for me this year and it's been wonderful. Maybe next year I'll try my hand at planting a larger patch.
kadesma said:
I love Silver Queen. Use to grow it all the time. The sweeter the better for me. Candy is no-way for me but corn!!! yum. My s-i-l put in a few for me this year and it's been wonderful. Maybe next year I'll try my hand at planting a larger patch.

My brother (in Michigan, darn it) grows wonderful corn in his garden. I sure wish he and I lived closer. I would love some of that corn about now. ;)
String beans in a sour cream sauce or in vinegar, olive oil, basil & garlic and some bean cooking water with boiled diced potatoes.
Shredded zucchini in sour cream sauce.
Plum tomato salad in a vinegar, olive oil, basil and garlic marinade.
3(b) Cucumbers in tzatiki sauce.
3(c) Butter beans in sour cream sauce.
3(d) Curly endive (chicory)
Hmmm....so many to choose from, but number one for me is steamed artichokes - I've learned to like the leaves just plain and just use a bit of butter and lemon for the hearts. Otherwise, that would be an insane amount of butter, because I eat 2-3 a week during the peak season months. :ohmy::LOL:

If I had to name just 2 or 3 more it would be roasted asparagus and roasted fresh beets. It's hard to name just a few, I love just about all veggies. :yum:
Right now it's Green beans, cucumbers and fresh corn. Fresh Tomatoes are a Bonus. But I eat green beans all year.

--Edit. I had to go back and check my January answer to the test question. Got one out of three right. I still like green beans. Luckily, I passed the test as I got the Bonus Correct. Fresh Tomatoes. Yay.
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I am not a lover of vege's so sometimes have to force myself to eat them. Which means when I do cook them I usually have to do something extra to make them edible for me! Courgettes grated and stir fried with a bit of butter is one, steamed green beans with garlic and feta cheese is great! and I just love frozen peas. So, I'm open to lots of suggestions to make veges more interesting for me.
I am not a lover of vege's so sometimes have to force myself to eat them. Which means when I do cook them I usually have to do something extra to make them edible for me! Courgettes grated and stir fried with a bit of butter is one, steamed green beans with garlic and feta cheese is great! and I just love frozen peas. So, I'm open to lots of suggestions to make veges more interesting for me.
Try some vegis raw. Stirling, my husband, really likes broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage raw - cooked, not so much. So I usually add at least one of those to salads. They are also good for dipping into some tasty sauce or dressing.
It is August--my favorite veggie right now is corn fresh from the field. I like mine cooked in water to which about 2-3 T of milk and 1 tsp of sugar is added. Butter, S&P, garlic powder OR garlic butter OR pesto.

The corn is soooo tender and sweet right off the stalk. Corn is followed by kohlrabi, thinly sliced, S&P. If the tomatoes were ready, corn and tomatoes would be running neck to neck. The things I am not that crazy about (and that grow in the garden) are pumpkins and parsnips. I probably should experiment with savory recipes for pumpkin this fall--looks like the pumpkin plants are doing well. I don't like pumpkin pie. But then, I don't eat a lot of sweets (peaches should be ready soon--oooohhhh--Flora's Peach Cream Pie!!!)

Every fall I make a pumpkin/dried cranberry bread for the Church Fair. I have been making six mini loaves. This year I was aksed if I could possibly increase it to twelve. They sell for $3.50 a piece. It is the first food item to sell out. I put a hint of orange juice and the zest of one orange in the batter. What goes better with cranberries than orange. The church takes a couple of them and slices them, heats them on the grill and serves them with butter and coffee. Each slice sells for $1.00. The dried cranberries are sweet.

I did some research looking at several recipes for pumpkin bread. I altered some of the ingredients, took some ideas from this one, and that one and added the orange flavor. So I can honestly say, it is in a sense my own recipe. I also mix it mostly by hand. All the recipes I saw had you adding the ingredients into the mixer. Like most bread products I feel that it made the loaves too tough. The end result is a very tasty moist pumpkin recipe. I should put it in the recipe file. :chef::yum:
I'm not going to count shallots, onions, and garlic - those are more herb-like in use (and necessary for so much flavor in nearly everything we cook).

Corn doesn't count - it's a grain. I love corn but it's got about 0 actual nutritional value.

So for actual vegetables - it's got to be:


Honestly don't have a third "favorite" - there are lots of veggies I like all about the same.

I'll eat eggplant in just about anything Asian or Indian. I guess my favorite way to prepare potatoes is a dry curry. Hashbrowns are probably second.

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