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Some pediatricians started a study with kids that are allergic to peanuts. They had Mom give them just a tiny bit of PB on the tip of a spoon each day. Eventually they adjusted to them and lost their allergy. I wonder if it would work with adults?

As a kid I was allergic to eggs. But I insisted on eating them. Now I can eat them by the dozen. I started with small amounts of scrambled eggs. I also have a tendency to be allergic to shellfish. But I still eat them. Small amounts only. And I seem to do better when they are deep fried. Go figure. And it is months in between having them. One of these days it will all backfire on me.

Last year for my birthday, my daughter bought me a really large helping of fried clams. I pigged out. Bad move! Got so sick and my arms and legs started to swell. I got a little scared on that one.

When I was dating my second husband, we would go to my favorite restaurant. I would always order the Fisherman's Platter. It was loaded with shellfish. But before we sat down I would call the ER and let them know I was coming in. After we finished eating it was a rush to get to the ER to get my stomach pumped out. After about doing that three times, he refused to let me order shelfish ever again. And we changed restaurants. :ohmy:
I would be scared to try getting my body used to pine nuts. Going into shock is not fun. Mind you, it has been years since I've eaten pine nuts (I could eat them no problem, and then one day, while making pesto, went into full-blown shock--fortunately, I had an epi pen for my bee/wasp allergy and was not home alone--otherwise I probably would've died--it was 20 minutes to the nearest emergency room and at that time, ambulance attendants could not break skin).
The Seafood & Shellfish Lasagne I Just Made

:yum: Have a wonderful weekend,
Ciao, Margi.


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I adore lobster. it really makes me smile a big smile.

You all can have my share. I am so sick of eating lobster. I grew up as a child eating them all through WWII in place of meat. And right now there is a glut of them on the market and very cheap. My daughter has been getting her fill. Even she is getting tired of them.

I am also tired of having to work for my meal with lobsters. I don't even bother to get the meat from the small feather legs or the body. Too much work. When I do eat them I just rip off the claws and tail. Then I use a heavy hammer and scissors.

BTW, did you know there are left and right hand lobsters? Also on the old wooden lobster traps, there is a parlor and a kitchen. Once it is in the kitchen it can't escape. The rotting bait is placed in the kitchen. Lobsters also grow a new claw if they lose one in a fight with another lobster.

My husband used to bring home several lobsters when he came in from fishing. They were considered trash catch. They couldn't put them in the hold with the fish, they would have eaten them. So they keep them separate and divide some of them to the crew to take home and the rest they sell for what they call shack money to be divided among the crew. I finally had to tell him to stop bringing them home. :)

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