What is your Halloween Costume?

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Here's my little bug and ballerina.

Trust me on this one B's.... burn that lady bug pic before your son reaches junior high.
Verrry cute pic, but not one he wants to have floating around when he's 12.... :ermm:

There's 4 of us at work in cahoots with eachother. I'm a dog (my face modeled after Aspen) one is a cat, another is a mouse and the 4th is animal control lol.
Trust me on this one B's.... burn that lady bug pic before your son reaches junior high.
Verrry cute pic, but not one he wants to have floating around when he's 12.... :ermm:

Burn it, are you kidding?!? I'm going to need something to hang over his head when he's a teenager. He's lucky I haven't taken any bath pictures to show his first girlfriend.
Aidan is going to be the "Black Luke Skywalker" from Return of the Jedi (not the whiney Luke in White from the first 2 movies) lol. He has a light saber and a hooded cloak.

Callum is going to be a robot. He has a hat/mask thing to wear and I'll wrap his limbs up in aluminum foil. Maybe I'll glue some juju bees (sp?) to him.
Burn it, are you kidding?!? I'm going to need something to hang over his head when he's a teenager. He's lucky I haven't taken any bath pictures to show his first girlfriend.

In that case, good thinking! :LOL:
I am volunteering at a huge party this weekend on Treasure Island and I'm wearing a super cute Eskimo girl costume! Its going to keep me warm when I work the door at 2am!
i am being blood.

wearing red shoes, red boxers, and covering myself with fake blood.

i mean, tons of people are scared of it, right?
we took some friends out to eat tonight........they are moving to South Africa in a few weeks and I'll be in Houston and the staff were going nutso over being dressed up for Halloween.......they were having a blast................it was so funny to see it..........just not expected here in KZ................
My daughter as Dorthy.


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GB, she's adorable in her ruby slippers.
And Corazon, precious! I watched to two videos. Cute, too.
And the how Tall this Fall brings back such memories.

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