What is your weather like right now?

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Horrendous down pour and black clouds this morning that turned instantly (really) into a warm sunny day with billowy white clouds and blue sky! This evening was so mild. Crazy weather we are having!
It was 28 this morning. I keep hoping we've had the last cold spell. So far it hasn't worked. But I suppose I shouldn't complain - 28 would be great for some of you.
It looks nice outside with the sun in its full glory BUT still cold...I think Spring is nearly here. The birds had been teasing my little fella to chase them. Too bad our little one can't fly...hahaha

P.S. I think I have stretched the word "little" too much...our boy is a 63 pounder Rottweiler at 5 months of age...
Now the sun is out in it's full glory. The overcast was just a really thick Marine Layer, an ocean fog to the uninitiated. As we approach the summer months, these will be an everyday event. We call it "June Gloom".
We had hail stones and snow today. Didn't expect it as I thought we are nearly into spring.
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