What is your weather like right now?

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It is and has been cool, rainy and humid for several days. It's supposed to be clearing up and drying out later today.
77° with a high of 81°. Perfect open window weather.

I hear you Zhizara! I had my windows open for awhile this morning! The fresh outside air is so nice to bring in!

It's noon and the heat is past 80F now, so I've shut the house up and turned on the A/C.

It was nice while it lasted!
It's a beautiful 80 degrees in SE South dakota, with a slight breeze, very low humidity.
It is smokier today, a woman was in respiratory failure at Costco today, the ambulance crew was there. Can't see the mountains to the north and our huge mountain on the east is difficult to see...west of us is gone about a mile away.
Speaking of smoke, apparently the marsh fire got put out thanks to TS Lee.

It's 79 degrees and clear. I don't think I've noticed a cloud all day.

I've had the windows wide open for 4 straight days! This is heavenly.
79.5° at 10:15 a.m. with a high of only 83° today. Gorgeous blue skies with only a wisp of cloud. 5th day of open windows. I'm loving it!
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