What is your weather like right now?

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When I used to skydive the coldest temp I ever jumped in was 14F. And skiing I don't remember, but it was cold on that lift.....
Before my SIL and her hubby moved up here (2006) she would come up from FL every winter so she could play in the snow. We'd use either her or my timeshare week and swap it for somewhere in New England and do a "Girls' Week". Every time we'd go out skiing, just once, and just one little day each year. Not the best for keeping in skiing shape! The coldest day I remember was in Stamford NY. It was 8 degrees and we froze! You don't stay warm when you have to keep stopping to spot the next 25-50 feet you can navigate without killing yourself! The next day, when it was a balmy 6, we decided to snowshoe. What a difference it made! We were able to keep moving, got to places XC skis wouldn't be able to reach, and had our jackets unzipped within the first hour. That Christmas we each got a pair of snowshoes from our hubbies. Haven't skied since.
It's 6 degrees and really windy here. I can hear the window creaking, and it sounds like someone's trash can is bouncing down the street. :huh: Hunkering down in the house tomorrow. Wild horses couldn't drag me out. Then again, we're not supposed to get out of the teens until Saturday and I will have to go out before then.
I have had the blower on the heater on high all day and night. I am so sick of hearing it. It usually fades into the background. But not today.

Cat gave me an idea. I am definitely going to look into getting an electric blanket. I told Barbara to put "No Gifts Please" on the invitations. I really don't have the room for any more 'stuff'. So more than likely, I will be getting cash. I can get me one of them thar 'lectrick huddle thingys and keep warm next winter.

What I really should look into is all that stuff they sell for football fans that sit out in any kind of weather in the stands and still stay warm. Or is that just a fallacy?

I received two pair of long leg pants for Christmas. Of course they have to be hemmed. Everything I buy has to be hemmed. Even the sleeves of blouses. If it is good blouse, I will shorten the sleeves. If not, then just a KMart special, I just move the button over so the sleeve doesn't slide down over my hand.

I had to put another large pan of water on. The air in here is so dry, I swear I can hear my skin crackle. :angel:
Zero here. The furnace is working normally though. Not like a few weeks ago. Must be because the wind isn't blowing 30mph. The light dusting we've had has not changed. No more, no less.
It's a balmy -29C (-20F) right now. The windchill makes it feel like -34C (-29F) I'm not sure how the weather network figured that out as I was just outside and there is no wind. :glare: But the sun is out so it's kind of nice.

Supposed to go all the way up to -17C (1F) today.
We have 16ºF right now, looking at a high of 25, and there's a wind chill advisory till noon. It snowed last night, about 2 inches where we are, so practically everything is closed.
I think my airplane should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.

It's 12 degrees here. I doubt if I will go out anywhere. I went to the grocery store yesterday so I have everything I need for a few days.
It's about in the 50's right now; heading for a freeze tonight, so gotta get out there and cover things up.

I have all the incandescent lights in the house on for some heat. I suppose I'd best buy a few more before they're gone. Yes, there's heating for the house, but it's not that cold. Yet.
It's about in the 50's right now; heading for a freeze tonight, so gotta get out there and cover things up.

I have all the incandescent lights in the house on for some heat. I suppose I'd best buy a few more before they're gone. Yes, there's heating for the house, but it's not that cold. Yet.

Tea lights in jars work for heat too. The glass heats up and radiates the heat. Need a BBQ lighter or long stick matches to make lighting them easier. Close the doors to rooms you are not using so the heat stays central.
I'mm not going to tell you because everyone in the rest of the country will cry, and I don't want to hear it. I pay for this good weather!
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