What is your weather like right now?

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We have a flood warning, an air quality advisory, an extreme winter weather advisory, and a winter travel warning.

We've had three weeks with lows of -10 to -20, with highs in the teens, which froze up the river and caused ice damming. Yesterday and today, the highs were in the mid thirties, which let the snow pack start to melt, and led to the flood warning.

A new front is moving through, bringing fresh snow and frigid temperatures. So things started to melt an then, froze solid again, and the snow is falling on top of nice fresh ice. Which then makes the roads slick resulting in the travel advisory.

Times like this I wonder why I moved here from Las Vegas.
CraZy New Orleans

The weather is as crazy as the natives here!

Yesterday I took a cab to go to Walmart, a 2 minute ride away, but we were turned back by a police officer because there was a PARADE! Huge turnout, and no way to get to Walmart as they were on the parade path. Imagine the customers trying to get OUT of Walmart.:angry:

I have no idea why there was a parade. Mardi Gras is almost a month away. People that I asked all said the same thing: "It's New Orleans.":ermm:

This will be the 3rd Mardi Gras since I moved here. I guess I didn't try going to Walmart when they had the parade before. Now I know how I kept hearing high school bands from time to time.

The weather is gorgeous. The temperature will hit 70 again today. Tomorrow, it could be more or the same, or I might have to turn on the heater again.

If the wind is out of the West to South and East, I can leave my windows open when the temperatures are in the sixties.

Lovin' it!
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Snow on the ground still......we had a couple inches. Started snowing Friday just before my step daughter's wedding. I question the wisdom of getting married in January.
We have a flood warning, an air quality advisory, an extreme winter weather advisory, and a winter travel warning.

We've had three weeks with lows of -10 to -20, with highs in the teens, which froze up the river and caused ice damming. Yesterday and today, the highs were in the mid thirties, which let the snow pack start to melt, and led to the flood warning.

A new front is moving through, bringing fresh snow and frigid temperatures. So things started to melt an then, froze solid again, and the snow is falling on top of nice fresh ice. Which then makes the roads slick resulting in the travel advisory.

Times like this I wonder why I moved here from Las Vegas.

We got a couple inches of snow yesterday. It's 27F now; it's supposed to get up to 35, so the snow will melt and re-freeze tonight.
Don't ya just hate when it warms up enough to thaw the snow and then freezes again and turns it all to slippery ice.

-16C here today with an expected high of -12C. Tuesday it's supposed to go up to 8C with freezing rain! Freezing rain and a high of 0C on Wednesday. Oh, that's going to be a mess. Far too much snow to melt it all in that time. Back to seasonal highs of -10C for Friday.
You would love my apartment. Since I don't have to pay for my heat, I have the thermostat pushed up and it is now 79ºF. in here. I am on two blood thinners and get cold very easily. And I have my shawl on. :angel:

79 is a bit too warm for me. I'd be running around in shorts and a light-weight t-shirt and sipping ice water. A solid 70-72 is pretty much perfect for me, but I'm generally comfortable at 68 to 74. Hmmm, such a narrow temperature range.
Yeesh, be careful if you guys have to go out in that stuff. Freezing rain has got to be some of the most hazzardous weather to drive in, especially if there is a decent wind.

We will be staying home and watching movies, it is scary just to see all the ice on our driveway, sidewalks and street. Sure hope we don't lose power.
Raining all morning & afternoon in SE S.D. It's so slippery out there you can hardly walk across the driveway. Right now it's bordering on 30F, supposed to get colder tonight which will make it a real skating rink out there.
Raining all morning & afternoon in SE S.D. It's so slippery out there you can hardly walk across the driveway. Right now it's bordering on 30F, supposed to get colder tonight which will make it a real skating rink out there.

Our driveway was slipperier than it was in town. We have 34°F right now, not looking forward to your stuff, SB, though I envision a 2 hour school delay tomorrow.
55 degrees. Been playing outside with the dogs. Last night we put a fire in the fire pit on the front deck and had s'mores. Crazy January weather!
Just got back from work & it's just about 7 pm. The temp, is now 34F & really foggy. It's sloppy outside, slick in spots. Now they are talking about some snow coming.
-11 C! That's the warmest it's been in quite a while. Freezing rain in the forecast for this afternoon. I'm surprised how many of us here at DC are having to deal with that slippery stuff all over the continent.
Raining, windy, half of our foot and a half of snow has either melted or turned to slush... Lovely day...
Just got back from a walk.....heading back out to bring my girlfriend her lunch and some coffee. Then, wait for the weather to do its worst before I fire up the snowblower and try and get rid of some of it...


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