What is your weather like right now?

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It's partly sunny here on the Island of Montreal. The snow has stopped. Looking out the window, I think we got about 6-7 cm. The temperature is -6°C (21°F) and feels like -12°C (10°F).
It only reached a high of 36F today, although it was sunny. It is 26F now, near mid-night. The wind died dow, so it feels better to walk outside.

The forecast calls for sunny and 51F tomorrow, which is closer to normal for North Texas now.

Pretty cold here for this time of year....42F now. Calling for rain and snow on Thanksgiving Day here...I believe the rain but will believe the snow when I see it. :) Thanksgiving day is typically warm and sunny.
Supposed to get up to around 70 today, then in the 50's tomorrow. Wish the weather would make up it's mind, all these changes are giving me a horrible sinus headache and having to blow my nose every 5 to 10 minutes (at least it feels like it). Happens every year.
Five inches of powder last night (first snow of the season), and (of course) PG&E couldn't keep the power on. Their outage map looks like a Christmas tree!
It's snowing here in the SoCal desert. :) Coming down good, too. My green lawn in the back yard is rapidly turning white. According to the weather app it's going to continue for the next several hours, at least. So pretty!! :wub:
It's 25*F now. High of 29*F expected today in SE South Dakota. We ended up with 4" of snow. Another batch of snow expected for the weekend.
Mostly sunny here on Montreal Island. I have lived in the frigid north long enough that if I see blue sky in the winter half of the year, I assume it is really cold. Well, it's not warm, but not "really cold".

-3°C, Feels like-9 (27°F, Feels like16).
Right outside our kitchen window where the sun is shining down it is 82 and on the patio wall in the shade it is 74 and here in my office it is 77. Take your pick lol
Mid 30's F in SE South Dakota. It's starting to rain, making it very slippery. Snow expected tonight into tomorrow.
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