What is your weather like right now?

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Cloudless skies...Bright Sunshine....Will be 81* and light winds.
Birds are everywhere! Squrrels in the trees..A Chipmonk by the fence..A hawk high above and crows calling in the distance..wildflowers blooming.
Dark overcast and heavy rain at times..Since we need it, I'm glad it is doing it's magic..

For the last few days it suddenly became a summer, bypassing the spring. We go out with shorts and tank, and it is still hot!! Though it is still a bit chilly at night... I guess I can pack most of the winter clothes at this point, and haul them over to the storage space of the new flat!!
the skies are starting to clear, some sun and slight breeze..lovely while the sun is out.

79*...The storms are coming...sky is getting grey, the wind is picking up, and the radar shows fun times ahead for Iowa!
a little bit of rain on and off, I for one welcome it though, it`s been Soooo dry here for the last 3 weeks.
the weather here is wonderful for this time of year.
the gardens are looking great and everything is growing very early.:chef:
Lovely day. Temps mild, humidity up a bit, lots of sunshine. Rain was predicted, but never happened. Now back on the schedule for tonight. We'll see what happens. I have my doubts.

Don't care. Buck and I spent several hours on our front porch tonight. It was wonderful.
Beautiful day here - temperature about 72 degrees. It should be warming up into the mid 70's for the next few days.

Spring is definitely here but I am really worried about the summer when the hot weather comes and the fire season begins. We have no rainfall to speak of this whole year.
Hot and humid. The themometre said 29 this morning, just checked it says the smae, but it feels a lot more. Even the cats were sweating!
Storming again. Close calls around the DFW area with tornadoes. Had high winds and hail. So far it has stayed mostly west and north of us. Suppose to come closer tonight for us. As long as there are no tornadoes this time, I'll be happy.
TG, send us some of your rain - we are in a real drought - 6 inches behind this year and already about 9 inches from last. Our grass is curling up and turning brown.
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