What is your weather like right now?

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Pretty nice all day today. Unusually low humidity for the area. I'm not going to complain. The temp presently is about 75 degrees. Slight breeze. Almost makes me wish I was out in our tent somewhere in a nice campsite. Perfect sleeping weather, inside with the windows open or out.
Caine, I can identify. For many years I lived in a sub-basement of the Pentagon. Because I was so broke, most of the years I worked there I worked a minimum of 2 extra hours a day (i.e., 50 hours minimum). I also happened to live near the Pentagon, and everyone knew I needed the money, so they would call me all hours of the day and night. I would call my friends and relatives who lived in the upper regions of the building to question what the weather was. Do I need an umbrella? Snow boots? A pair of corduroy pants? For much of those years, I really never saw daylight during he winter. What a life.
When I got up this morning at 5:30, the temp. was 79' - we are under a severe thunderstorm warning now, and the temp. is 89' - dark and yucky out. 1:55pm
Like this:
you said it jeekinz.

92 today, and oy is it humid.

i was hoping for some cool weather so my arrugula doesn't bolt and become bitter.
We had a very hot day yesterday, 96 degrees F, with a wind advisory. Sustaining winds of 25-30 mph. Gusts up to 50 mph. It was a wild ride.

This morning we were under a severe thunderstorm watch. At 10 a.m. it was as dark as bedtime. Storm blew through and now it's a bit cooler, but still dark. Perfect day for a nap.
in the last 24 hours I have gotten two inches of rain, I am so HAPPY. We think we will get a second cutting of hay after all!!!!!!

I am drenched, can't stay out of the rain for dancing in it.....
Mixed at the moment heavy rain and then bright sun 5 mins later, however we`re in the for the High-Jump 2moro :(

Severe flood warnings all over the country (again).
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