What is your weather like right now?

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Been in the mid-80s all day. Humidity is low, low, low. Only about 30%. However, it's windy as all get out. There's been a high wind advisory all day long. I've been outside most of the day and my hair looks like it's been styled with an eggbeater. I don't know how many times I've brushed it today. I'll certainly have my traditional 100 strokes when I'm done. I'll just clean my hairbrush and toss it outside so the birds can build their nests with it. Beautiful, though, no matter how you look at it.
about 60 degrees, damp, rainy and sloppy. we had some awesome
storms come through here last night and early this a.m.
when the temps come up it is gonna be H U M I D!!!
It began thundering at about 5 am or so, gave us a good thrashing for about 2 hours, and now is about mid 60's with a light drizzle and a cool breeze.
got up to the upper 50's today!! We had 6+ inches of heavy, wet, wet snow over the weekend.
Raining and dull in North of England. We had some sun shine last week though and temp was 18- 19 C.
Our road flooded twice in a week. Over 6 inches of rain and another 4.5 this past weekend. Then another 2 inches last night. The skeeters are out in full force now.
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