What new thing have you learned of late?

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Head Chef
Oct 3, 2004
You're never too old to learn something new!

I learned a new word yesterday -- BUSK. Apparently, to busk is to perform some musical number at public areas such as in the subway or street corner in order to get some money thrown your way.

My friend's 18 yr-old nephew in Sydney does this from time to time and can collect around the equivalent of $50 in 2 hours...
I recently learned how to sit, roll over and beg...

:ROFLMAO: :LOL: :ROFLMAO: :LOL: (just kidding)

I finally learned to ride a bicycle this spring, the activity was strictly prohibited by my mother when I was a child, she was in the firm belief that I would dive right under some oncoming truck or fall off into a river or something. Once I grew up and on my own now it was too embarrassing for me, as everyone seemed to be able to ride them without slightest problem. Earlier this year Cris finally convinced me, and I practiced with his children.
A few weeks ago I rode all the way through Vinschgau Valley in Trentino, over 50km in about 3 hours. It was awesome!!:cool:

Chops I learned that word busking when I was in London the first time!! There are full of buskers around covent garden and leicester square, very cool entertainment, and yeah they seemed to be doing very well collecting their dough!!:)
I learned to take the weatherman seriously when he says there is a tropical storm coming. I left my patio umbrella up last night and it came down the hard way! Ouch! gonna need a new one next year!

Also just learned the word Busk!
Great topic!
RMS said:
I learned to take the weatherman seriously when he says there is a tropical storm coming. I left my patio umbrella up last night and it came down the hard way! Ouch! gonna need a new one next year!

Also just learned the word Busk!
Great topic!
Ernesto get ya there? In that line I learned that a tropical storm is not a hurricane until it hits sustained winds of 74 miles an hour ~ not 75, not 70, 74 mph ~ what's up with that????

And I learned this week that true Spanish names do not start with the letter K.
urmaniac13 said:
I finally learned to ride a bicycle this spring.

Wow Urmaniac, I hope you didn't fall too many times and gotten scrapes and bruises! Well even if you did, sounds like you managed to get back up on the saddle and mastered it!

You know, my hubby can drive and can fly planes but he can't ride the bike! And he's too old to be on training wheels...:LOL:
Well, and I MUST say this with a sheepish grin of embarrassment, the shrimp sauce I had on spaghetti in a restaurant (Tony's) in the French Quarter in New Orleans when I was a kid (starting when I was about 5 the first time I can remember it - last time about 40 years ago when I was 17) wasn't an Italian sauce after all. Over the past 20 or so years I'v researched Italian cookbook after cookbook - but nothing sounded right. And, somehow I had managed to miss what it was until a couple of nights ago ... Shrimp Creole served on spaghetti!!!

Okay - so I wasn't into trying to deconstruct recipes when I was a kid .. but I did remember the flavor!
I learned that even if the tomato spike label says "Early Girl" they still ripen last. Whats with that? My Roma's, Healthy Kick, Patio and Beefsteaks are all ripening but that stupid Early Girl is greener than green. Sorry, I guess what I learned is "don't believe the label"
I learned what isokinetic sampling is today. Basically it means that if lyou want to measure an amount of airborne PM (particulate matter), the collector has to be designed so that the air moving into/thru the collector is traveling at the same velocity as the air on the outside of the collector.

Now....aren't you glad I shared that knowledge with you?
I learned what the term "bling-bling" means. It's a hip-hop term meaning expensive jewlry or other accoutrements, and also a lifestyle build around excess spending and ostentation. I had been hearing it more and more latey. Good Lord, what's this world coming to when hip-hop terms make it into the dictionary? Does that mean I'm a stick in the mud?
I learned that when wearing glasses for the first time in your life, not to try to walk downstairs & talk to someone at the same time. I executied a beautiful fall last week as I was coming downstairs & talking to TC about one of his friends. He was standing at the bpttpm of the stairs & wound up breaking my fall. Luckly neither of us was hurt.
Hee hee, I've been wearing glasses for almost 60 years and have to learn that anew for each prescription :mad:
BJ, I got mine last Monday & I didn't really realize how bad my eyesight was until I put them on. Now I know why everyone on TV was always so furry looking.:idea: :rolleyes:
From Forum Help and Ideas

The people who have plus signs after their name are members who are on your buddy list

I didn't know that. Thanks, GB.
Actually - it's not anterior - it's Arterial. Normally, blood is drawn from a vein for most blood test ... sometimes, like if a person having breathing problems and they want to know how much oxygen is getting into the blood from the lungs - they will draw the blood from an artery.

How much does it hurt? In theory, an arterial stick "should" hurt less ... since there are less nerve endings to disrupt ... in practice - it depends on the person doing the sticking.
What new thing

Today I learned that a person can get really really distraught when all her flowers die from lack of rain. I talked to them weeded them and did all I needed to do for them , but they all died any way. Oh well there is always tomorrow. I am going to install rain barrels under my down spouts to catch any rain fall we might get until next summer. Then come next spring I will pour on a little oil to form on top of the water SO THE MOSQUITOES WILL HAVE NOWHERE TO LAY THEIR LARVA. gONNA GIVE IT A OOD TRY. :glare:

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