What's cooking Friday April 1, 2011

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Just found out that DH is pulling double shifts again today (7 hours each from his two employers) so I have to make something for dinner that can be ready ahead. Then he can pick it up at the "drive through window" (or so it feels like some days :LOL:) between jobs.

I have some pork ribs I got on special yesterday so I am thinking I will braise them or even use the slow cooker and get them mostly cooked. I have heat packs so I will just wrap it up and he will finish it off there.

Not sure of sides yet.

What's everyone else having on this TGIF April Fool's day?
I saw a recipe for stuffed venison backstrap this morning that I think I will make with a pork tenderloin, if I can find a plain, unmarinated one in the store today.
I saw a recipe for stuffed venison backstrap this morning that I think I will make with a pork tenderloin, if I can find a plain, unmarinated one in the store today.

They are on sale two for one at our Save-On Foods, Pacanis - want me to FedEx them to you? :)
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Not a clue. I'm retaking my freezer inventory today so I can sit down and plan a few dishes, then I'm going to review my notebook full of recipes from DCers that I want to try and see what I can come up with.:chef:
Lasagna, caesar salad, undetermined veggie dish, and whatever dessert my SIL brings over. We are having Ken's sister, her husband, and Ken's Mom over for dinner tonight. I've prepped a few things because I work til 4 today. YIKES! They'll be here at 5:30. I've got a veggie tray, a shrimp ring or bacon wrapped scallops and tortilla pinwheels (tuna, salmon, egg salad, chicken, ham, pb and banana, and maybe greek) as our appys. I'm undecided about whether to serve the shrimp ring and scallops. I think the veggie tray and pinwheels might cover me for appys.
I made it last night. Its in the fridge right now. I'll have my daughter take it out about 3 to warm it up to room temp and I'll put it in the oven when I get home.
I have no bloomin' idea, but the freezer is bountiful and I'm certain I'll find something good when I go to look.

If nothing else, there's an awesome raisin pie I made yesterday. Glenn says it's "not just ANY raisin pie" he's ever tasted. I will admit it really, really is good. I'm so glad he likes raisin pie. Not everyone does and I love them.
Looks like it's plan B. All the town grocer had were marinated tenderloins.
What's plan B?
I may have to resort to Plan B also. It's Opening Day for the Red Sox and the game starts at 4:00 PM local time. No time to cook dinner. So it's either Plan B or take out.
I'm thinking chicken in mushroom sauce with stuffing. I have some green beans and some asparagus left in the fridge that can be warmed up.
I've got two servings of cornbread topped tamale pie left, so I'll have one for dinner and freeze the other for later.
I have to head out for a couple of hours over dinner to train a new cook, so I will be fixing up the ingredients for chicken fajitas. All they have to do is take two pans, fry up the chicken in one and the onions and peppers in the other. Microwave the tortillas for a minute or so and dig in. I'll have the lettuce shredded and cheese grated in a separate container.

Me? I don't know what I will have.....
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I was going to post an April Fool's Day joke menu, but apparently that is frowned on? So, all I can say is that it is Date Night at our friends' and I have no idea what she is making.:huh:
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