What's cooking Monday November 16, 2009?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
not sure yet whats for dinner. i'll think about it during the day.

whats your plans?
I was gonna grill some center cut p-chops...The Weather Man suggest I may need to re-think that however...We'll see.
Clean out the refrigerator...So far I see Dumplings, Greens, Butter beans, and yellow squash...Don't think I'll have to go to bed hungry!!
I just took inventory of my, um, inventory and I'm thinking of making breakfast for dinner.

Bacon, eggs, taters, bisquits and country gravy. I better eat a salad for lunch!
It actually got a little chilly here in the Austin area, so I'm thinking soup. Probably Hamburger Veggies Soup and a bread of some kind... Probably rosemary foccaia or rosemary garlic bread.
I am heading to the store right after work then coming home and cooking some pasta. But I'm hungry already so I wouldn't be surprised if I found something already cooked at the store :)
gonna pan grill the fillet i didn't cook last night. think i will make stuffed mushrooms using crab meat in the stuffing. maybe a butter lettuce salad, or green beans if they are still any good. .................got left over donuts . or fruit bar for dessert. the fruit bars have no sugar added so are fairly safe for me to eat.
Roasted boneless skinless chicken breast, jasmine rice with cream of chicken soup, mixed veggies, milk and shredded cheddar cheese added.

DH heated up some of the pot roast and veggies from Sunday for him and Dad. I had some of the chicken soup I made yesterday as it is all my stomach can take.

I find out tomorrow if it is the flu or a reaction to the antibiotic for my never-ending sinus infection. The only good thing about being sick? My two men (and my puppies) take really good care of me!
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