What's cooking, Thursday, August 20, 2009?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
for breakfast/lunch french toast or onions and peppers egg scramble.
for dinner i am thinking chicken, broccoli and pasta, potatoes or rice. not sure how i will cook them.

whats cooking by you?
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just made a huge pot of chicken and rice pilaf for dinner.Later i will make a cucumber,onion,tomatoe and yogurt raita to go with it.
i am making several dishes so dh can eat off the leftovers.....i am off to my 40th high school reunion this weekend:mrgreen:

making a large batch of broccoli, pesto and pasta this afternoon, with the obligatory sweet corn to be served in attendance..

am making a cottage cheese to go in a casserole tommorrow..
I have a friend coming over for lunch - BBQ Bacon Cheese Burgers and home made cole slaw.
I'm the owner of a new GE Advantium oven. It has been my newest and most interesting Coooking Toy. Home for me and my DH is Arizona. Just look on the weather map and you'll note that since early July it has been HOT (blast oven hot) in the triple digit range. So rather than cook stove-top, or use my gas oven, I've been doing almost everything in this oven, which is also a microwave. It uses huge Halogen lights to "cook" and thus far it has surpassed my expectations. Tonight's repast will be broiled lamb patties with a riata to accompany them. I didn't buy the "A," it came with the house when we bought it. I was skeptical regarding it's use, but have been really surprised. More later on this subject, if anyone is interested and wants to learn how to use it.
I'm the owner of a new GE Advantium oven. It has been my newest and most interesting Coooking Toy. Home for me and my DH is Arizona. Just look on the weather map and you'll note that since early July it has been HOT (blast oven hot) in the triple digit range. So rather than cook stove-top, or use my gas oven, I've been doing almost everything in this oven, which is also a microwave. It uses huge Halogen lights to "cook" and thus far it has surpassed my expectations. Tonight's repast will be broiled lamb patties with a riata to accompany them. I didn't buy the "A," it came with the house when we bought it. I was skeptical regarding it's use, but have been really surprised. More later on this subject, if anyone is interested and wants to learn how to use it.
so basically someone took their childhood toy and morphed it into a grownup easy bake oven/microwave? COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL is it like a convection oven (with fans to move the hot air around) with lights as a heat source? is it faster cooking than a conventional gas or electric oven? is it large enough to cook a 20 lb turkey?

Never made the kidhood light oven connection, but you got it! I certainly didn't have one of those toys as a kid. The only thing I haven't tried to cook is a large turkey, mine is a smaller type oven that the builder chose to install. The inspiration to use it as more than a microwave was our weather. I've made meat-loaves, chicken chests, etc. in it. Timing is something I've had to play with using the GE propaganda (which is vague) to play with, but it has worked and worked well. See the GE website, and enjoy the view. Unfortunately, Admin wouldn't allow me to post the URL, but just google Advantium Recipes and you'll find their recipe group sharing site.

P.S. I've never been a fan of GE appliances, so this oven was a surprise. Plus they are not INexpensive. I really would not have bought it myself. But I do like it.

A second P.S. re. the Advantium, no convection possibility with the unit. I had a nifty combination electric/convection oven in our old house, but that helped to sell it and it went with the old joint.

We're having a birthday dinner for a friend and her family. She's a practical nurse who recently came over at 9:30 one night when I had crashed and burned...sliced a BIG gash in my tricep and she taped me back together, saving a $650 trip to the ER.

Sooo...it's ribeye steak, baked potato, salad, and a cherry cheese pie from our favorite restaurant.
Probably something to do with the leftover pulled pork from last night....DEFINITELY something to do with the leftover "Katie's Dutch Chocolate Ice Cream" :rolleyes:
Strip steaks on the grill, with The Fool's flavored butter...
Sauteed cremini mushrooms...
Grilled garlicked cauliflower...
Grecian salad...
Chicken with bacon onion and cheese served with potato salad from yesterday and a little redcurrant and onion relish.


We are having lentil soup (grandson's recipe) so he helped me make it, broccoli salad, ciabatta and fruit for dessert - cantelope, honeydew, cherries, grapes and peaches and oatmeal cookies.
Chicken Wings....
Pink-Eye Peas......
Baked Sweet Tator....
Recycled Cabbage........
Corn bread..................
Sliced Tomatoes, Onions, and Hot peppers......
Leftovers here. DH starts teaching tonight so I will be solo. Have chicken, taco meat, ham, and mac'n'cheese to choose from.
I'm making baked kielbasa with cabbage... roasted potatoes on the side.... kind of like last night.

I think after this week, Mark is not going to want potatoes for awhile. :ROFLMAO:
I like Uncle Bob's ap. LOL.
And this sounds interesting Advantium. Have to google it.
Someone on another thread inspired me to soak some chix in buttermilk to be fried in my cast iron later on tonight.
I've defrosted some pasta sauce with meat and were having it over some shape or other of pasta.

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