What's Cooking Today, Sunday 4th March?

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Senior Cook
Jan 4, 2007
Moscow, Russia.
Sorry if I'm ahead of the game folks but I never know where to post because of the time difference and it's already 14.02 here in Moscow, Russia:)

Anyway, what have you got in store for the kitchen table today?

I'm going to attempt my own style of crab cakes with tomato and chilli jam(just a little appetizer and inspired with the bacon jam thread but can't find bacon as of yet)

Here is the before picture:chef:


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@ Jonny UK: Greek Classic Shrimp Saganaki

Good Morning,

We too, have similar problem ... it is 11.30am here in Madrid and the east coast of the USA, it is 5.30am ...

Today, I am preparing a traditional Greek dish with a Persian rice to pair with it ... and a green salad ... Very simple with crusty bread to dip into the Feta Cheese, tomato concasse with Ouzo ...

Have a nice wkend. Hope that your lady is feeling better.
I lose track of the time thing too :) Its still morning here in England.

I love crab cakes! I do a very simple recipe from Delia Smith, and have them with chilli jam. Lovely stuff.

Today, I am making sausage rolls, I dont make them often (usually only at Christmas!) but do you know, I just fancied them today.

Its traditional here to do a "Sunday Roast" but I dont do them every week, I like to chop and change...:rolleyes:

Happy Sunday cooking!
lunchtime here, too.. short after midday and I planned to have just salad now.
don't know what will be on the table at the end of the day..
Good Morning,

We too, have similar problem ... it is 11.30am here in Madrid and the east coast of the USA, it is 5.30am ...

Today, I am preparing a traditional Greek dish with a Persian rice to pair with it ... and a green salad ... Very simple with crusty bread to dip into the Feta Cheese, tomato concasse with Ouzo ...

Have a nice wkend. Hope that your lady is feeling better.

Good morning Margi:) Your food always sounds so exotic! I would always be sat at your table:)

My DW is still not very good and being monitored carefully:( I'm trying to keep strong and keep my mind occupied and doing what she would want me to be doing and cooking with passion but very difficult! Thanks for caring.

I lose track of the time thing too :) Its still morning here in England.

I love crab cakes! I do a very simple recipe from Delia Smith, and have them with chilli jam. Lovely stuff.

Today, I am making sausage rolls, I dont make them often (usually only at Christmas!) but do you know, I just fancied them today.

Its traditional here to do a "Sunday Roast" but I dont do them every week, I like to chop and change...:rolleyes:

Happy Sunday cooking!

Your four hours behind me now GQ and I have to remember that when I call my parents in the morning and wake them up:ROFLMAO:

Oh I love traditional home baked sausage rolls:) Are you using shortcrust pastry or puff pastry? I miss my Sunday roasts and even though I still cook them here they just don't taste the same.

Here is the tomato and chilli jam bubbling away, just need to make a start on the crab cakes now :chef:


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MMm I can almost smell that chilli jam! Good stuff.

I'm making my own puff pastry, I have to make it as I'm coeliac so i can't use the shop bought stuff. I replace normal flour with Doves Farm gluten and wheat free flour and I add xantham gum. I use Debbie & Andrews gluten free sausages.

When I next do a roast, I'll post a pic Jonny, you can have a virtual one !
Mrs. K and I are heading over to some friends house this afternoon for a ravioli making party. We're each supplying different fillings and making up enough so we can eat some of it and take some home to put in the freezer.
Its gone cold again so we are having Serbian Sarma made with smetana and served with lots of mash, for pud my wife is making palacinke with hm strawb jam.

Ps palacinke is a famous Croatian aphrodisiac:w00t2:
Homemade potato gnocchi in a baked dish with smoked motz.:yum:
Tonight we'll have the crab cakes that were aborted from last night.

Hi Andy, my crab cakes tasted really good but shallow frying them was really tricky as they were so soft inside. I used mashed potato as the main base and then crab meat, coriander, ginger, spring onion, egg yolk, chilli and bound all this together with a little flour and chilled in the fridge for half an hour before cooking. I don't know if you or anyone else has any tips for making them more firm? Maybe a whole new recipe and not using the potato?

Anyway, here was the end result, looks ok, tastes ok but just not sure about the consistency.


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Being brave and having my first omelette tonight. Never had one before as I don't eat eggs. I went through a stage when I was younger of loving boiled egg and soldiers, then I went off the white, then I would only eat the white and not the yolk. Now I have decided to try and eat them again.
So I am making my first omelette, which I'll probably ruin and it'll end up being scrambled egg ;)
Wish me luck haha!
Sundays are reserved for home fiestas - Thanks for posts

interesting posts and thanx for taking ur time on a Sunday to post ... have lovely Sunday fiesta.


*** omelettes are easy: ask for some assistance in the Egg section or Jacques P. has a good you tube ...

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