What's cooking Wednesday September 16, 2020?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Pot roast is done and on keep warm in the IP. I'll add carrots and potatoes to cook when DD's get home.
Sam's Big Dogs, Sauerkraut, Garlic-Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Corn & Asparagus Bullets, and a Salad...........

Dogs & Kraut.jpg
We had Polish sausage hot dogs on buns, with sauerkraut, chopped onions, mustard, a relish that comes from Brooks Pepperfire Foods (Greg is a friend.), and two choices of mustard. We had bean salad and dill pickles on the side.
We really miss going out for Mexican food. So tonight I made chicken chile enchiladas. Dry marinated chicken breast in taco style seasonings, then grilled it and shredded the meat. Mixed with some sauteed onions and poblanos, and a healthy handful of cilantro. Rolled the filling in corn tortillas, topped with green sauce and a handful of mexican blend cheese, and baked them.

Homemade green salsa was tomatillo, poblano, and a jalapeno, seasonings. We like it much better than the jarred stuff. I have a pint jar left over in the fridge for another use.

They looked much betterplated, with avocado and sour cream, but this is the only picture I remembered to take.


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I made an okra dish tonight - sort of a vindaloo okra, with a side dish I often make, when I don't have a one dish meal. The vindaloo is made with a paste of cashews, garlic, onion, ginger, and a little coconut vinegar (more comes later). The paste is cooked down, to intensify the flavors, then diluted again, like when making some Mexican sauces. The pre-cooked okra goes back in, and simmers 7 or 8 minutes, adding a chopped tomato and cilantro toward the end.
Vindaloo paste by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Starting to cook the paste, in the wok, after the okra, to scrape up the fond. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Vindaloo paste, after cooking down 7 minutes, sort of like cooking down a Mexican sauce. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Cooking the okra with the paste, some water, and the coconut vinegar. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The side dish - ven pongal - is a traditional Indian breakfast food, but I often make a version of it to serve as a side, when I make one of these dishes that isn't a one dish meal. I often make it with brown basmati, like I did here, along with the moong dal. I flavored it up with a tarka, of ghee, crushed black peppercorns, cumin seeds, minced ginger, chopped cilantro, and curry leaves.
Starting tarka, for ven Pongal, with crushed peppercorns and cumin in ghee. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Tarka, with ginger, cilantro, and curry leaves added. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Ven Pongal in Instant Pot, with tarka stirred in. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

And here are the two finished dishes. Surprisingly, the vindaloo okra isn't very hot, despite putting 6 Thai peppers in the paste (original recipe called for only 2!).
Finished vindaloo okra, and pongal, as a side dish. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Not sure that the coconut vinegar makes a difference in this, with all those other flavors. But, I had some, and that's what's traditional in Goan, so that's what I used.
Pot roast, carrots, potatoes and mushroom and onion au jus.

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