What's for breakfast?

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Today was quinoa porridge with cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla protein powder and fresh blueberries. Followed by a large mug of Peet's Major Dickason!
I made a little gravy for my eggs & toast from last night's pressure cooker ribs.


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toast n coffee. oh, and some more coffee. maybe later I'll have some coffee.
For me, coffee and vitamins.

For my daughter, Honey Nut Cheerios and Instant Breakfast.
first, it was grapes, black bean sprouts, and carrots with my birds.

next, at work, it's korean boiled seaweed rolls, with bbq hot sauce and sriracha.
and pickled shredded daikon.
biscuits and gravy. Biscuits has garlic and cheddar in it, and gravy has Italian sausage with red pepper and onions.
Crepes with a strawberry, brown sugar and balsamic vinegar sauce. I picked up the idea for the sauce from LPBeier in the cheesecake topping thread.
I woke up hungry today and wanted something to stick with me for a while. so.....
I started some bacon, hot dogs and onions in some EVOO, then added some garlic towards the end (so it wouldn't burn. see, I'm learning :)).
That done, in went the Bush's beans.
Served on toast with three scrambled eggs. It wouldn't be breakfast without the eggs :LOL:


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Geez pacanis, you look set for the day! I hope you have some activities planned to work that off. I'm full just looking at it. Where's the bread or "english" to mop it up? - oh, had to read again - it's under.
Geez pacanis, you look set for the day! I hope you have some activities planned to work that off. I'm full just looking at it. Where's the bread or "english" to mop it up? - oh, had to read again - it's under.

Oh I'll find something to do.... now that I've taken my nappy :)
don't be grossed out but my dh and I had pizza this morning around 11.........he helped me....I had made the dough 2 days before so it was easy to roll out and then we topped it with smoked bacon, tomatoes, red salad onion, black olives, mushrooms, and hot peppers---I also had made the famous AllRecipes Best Pizza Sauce which is out of this world.........and of course topped with mozzarella chesse...he had to leave for a trip at 1:30 so we made pigs of ourselves over the pizza
Wow, Jet, I hadn't thought of crepes! How did you like it?

"Un-inspiring" was my first thought.

I believe that I had the ratios wrong. For a single serving (2 crepes) I used 6oz strawberries, 1t brown sugar and 1/2 t balsamic vinegar. Next time, I am going to try 4oz strawberries, 1T brown sugar and 1/2T balsamic vinegar.
Had my new favorite.
Cheddar Nacho bagel w/ Garden Veggie cream cheese.
OJ..... a gallon or so of coffee.

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