What's for Dinner Monday, January 25th?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Wow, I am the first one to start and I got up late today!

I need to start cooking for two events coming up and have some stuff to use up so I think it will be chili today...I will make enough for the event, for our meal today and some to put in the freezer. Maybe some cornbread if I have time.

What's on the stove or in the oven at your house? :chef:
Something chicken-y and possibly with spaghetti sauce. Hmmm, sounds like cacciatore to me.
I'm going with something quick and easy tonight--sandwiches. James wants his on onion rolls, and I will use small soft sandwich rolls. He will have ham and probably cheddar cheese, and I will have Cajun turkey and Swiss cheese. Maybe some cottage cheese on the side.

I had to work late today so I grabbed a rotisseri chicken at Walmart and made some mixed veggies to go with it. I'll cook what I HAD planned for tonight tomorrow.. so stay tuned.
I had to work late today so I grabbed a rotisseri chicken at Walmart and made some mixed veggies to go with it. I'll cook what I HAD planned for tonight tomorrow.. so stay tuned.
LOL I had planned a turkey for tonight, so I will be doing that tomorrow as well!

Hot dogs (cut in thin circles) and onions (sliced thin in half moons) sautéed in butter till onions are soft and the dogs have puffed. Tomato paste, water and burgundy wine added to make a sauce. Simmer till flavors meld. Served with teeny weeny bowtie pasta tossed with butter and parsley and garlic bread.

Roast beef melt

This was my first attempt at braising a beef roast. I'm not sure if it was the cut or my cooking, but it was very...chewy. :(


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roasted chicken (whole) part will be used for tamales and abel and i will eat the rest. if all goes well we will make chicken tamales . we are really looking forward to make them.
roasted chicken (whole) part will be used for tamales and abel and i will eat the rest. if all goes well we will make chicken tamales tomorrow. . we are really looking forward to making


guess i put too much butter and lemon juice on the chicken. it keeps setting off the smoke alarm. how annoying is that. opened the door and have two exhaust fans on, maybe that will do it. my fault. :chef:
still working on leftovers here...but today I went to a monthly lunch with friends, and traded one of them some sweet potatoes for some home grown pork chops and a ham steak.....I am happy:chef:
Hot dogs (cut in thin circles) and onions (sliced thin in half moons) sautéed in butter till onions are soft and the dogs have puffed. Tomato paste, water and burgundy wine added to make a sauce. Simmer till flavors meld. Served with teeny weeny bowtie pasta tossed with butter and parsley and garlic bread.

This looks so good. YUM
DH had some breaded cod, tartar sauce, baked potatoe, an artichoke and fruit salad. I had just a sammie with rosemary ham with lettuce, mayo,avocado on part of a baguette...

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