What's For Dinner? Monday, July 3, 2023

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
I asked this question multiple times today to hear the familiar "I don't know." My grandmother used to say, "If you have an onion, you have dinner." With that in mind, I went through the pantry and gathered some potatoes, an onion, a green pepper, some apples, and fetched eggs from the fridge. I also found a can of corned beef, so corned beef hash with fried eggs, apples, and toast. What did you have?

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I made "Linda's Pot O'Pig. It's my interpretation of "Fridas Kasserolle", which we had in a pub in Denmark, owned by Frida. https://restaurantfridas.dk/ It involves pork loin (or it could be pork tenderloin), smaller amounts of bacon and sausages, cream, and paprika. It's usually served with boiled or mashed potatoes, so we had boiled potatoes. I also made an asparagus salad (peeled, sautéed asparagus, EVOO, lime juice, feta, toasted pumpkin seeds, haskap berries, and a drizzle of honey, on a bed of curly lettuce). We had that with Listel, a French rosé.

For dessert we had a dessert that I'm working on to make it pretty. Tonight, it was not pretty, but it was deeeeelicious. Pureed strawberries, a bit of sugar, whipped cream and crème fraiche. So, no pix of the dessert.

Asparagus salad.jpg
Linda's Pot o'Pig.jpg
Linda's Pot o'Pig, potatoes, asparagus salad 2.jpg

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