What's for Dinner Sunday May 17th?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I just decided I am making a spinach soup....was planning on creamed spinach, but dh just called, he is on his motorcycle somewhere around Lexington Kentucky, and freezing his butt off....so soup it is;)

What are you fixing?
Ma's Sunday
Asian marinated tri-tip, rigatoni in creamy mushroom sauce,berry salad.green salad cibatta rolls with cheese,asparagus wrapped in procuitto and parm shaved on top, before hand foccacia with copa..with some provolone, Making Jon my son in law some of his favorite sliced cucumbers in sour cream a little may and a dab of horseradish.Dessert either blackberry or peacj cobbler with vanilla ice cream, there are ice cream sammis for the kids if they choose.
Happy Sunday
left over pork stir fry and noodles. that is about it. it has bite size pork from chop/ red and green and yellow peppers. mushrooms just cut in half. and Chinese noodles. all with sweet and sour sauce. that is the plan anyway.
Mark is on his own tonight. I'm going to have what I want. So, I'm making a turkey hoagie melt... with Harvarti cheese, tomato, lettuce, dill pickle, a little mayo and mustard. On the side, your regular coleslaw..... iced tea to drink or water.
Okay, I have finally decided. Dad and I are having grilled ham steak with potato salad, green salad and pineapple. We will probably have homemade ice cream with strawberries for dessert.

DH took a farmer's sausage, potato salad, sliced cucumber and a banana.
I made a huge pot of meatballs and sauce so we will be having meatball parm sandwiches with tossed salad
I can't think of anything I want for dinner!! Nothing I think about sounds appealing.:w00t2:
Cuban black beans, rice and a pork tenderloin on the grill. A chocolate lava cake for dessert.

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