What's for Dinner Sunday November 29th

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Well, I doubt that we will be having dinner today because we had a huge hot dog and fries lunch and I have a bunch of snacks for watching the big football game!

What is everyone else having?
Nothing special here...
Dr. Wife is having leftover pizza, I'm having the last of the lamb roast as sandwiches, and we might have a salad to pretend to be healthy.
Not much of nuttin for supper tonight...Ate too big of a Sunday dinner......

Chied Fricken.......
Purple Hull Peas.....
Boiled Okra pods.......
Yellow Squash....
Macaroni & Cheese...........
Cone Braid........
Tonight we will have:

Salad (with Romain and Iceberg, Feta Cheese and Toasted ChickPeas)
Tuna Casserole

Nothing fancy - but I love Tuna Casserole!


I love tuna casserole too; unfortunately Dad is allergic to all fish and seafood (even the smell) and DH is allergic to almost everything else in the casserole.
Gosh I haven't had tuna casserole in years, and I do like it.

For dinner tonight it's NY strip steak with mushrooms, cheesy rice, and zuchinni. I like to indulge on Sunday evenings.
creamy turkey and wild rice soup



turkey, stuffing, lettuce and mayo on white bread


and stuffed mushrooms (didn't get a pic of the shrooms).

for dessert

apple pie with french vanilla ice cream

creamy turkey and wild rice soup



turkey, stuffing, lettuce and mayo on white bread


and stuffed mushrooms (didn't get a pic of the shrooms).

for dessert

apple pie with french vanilla ice cream

YUmmO, msmofet! Now I know why you haven't been around... you've been cooking up a storm!! :chef:

That soup, sammie and pie look to-die-for!!
YUmmO, msmofet! Now I know why you haven't been around... you've been cooking up a storm!! :chef:

That soup, sammie and pie look to-die-for!!
thank you vb!!

i have also been working. i got called back for seasonal work to my old job. so i have been cooking but i have been tired at night so i haven't been posting as much.
We had a pot roast,mashed potatoes, gravy with mushrooms. homemade cloverleaf rolls,green salad, danish squash with butter and brown sugar.Black berry pie and ice cream for dessert.
Chicken and Polenta Pot Pie

I made the perfect meal for a Sunday evening in November: Chicken and Polenta Pot Pie. It's protein, veggies & corn bread all in one! Try it next Sunday night, you can freeze it and it eat it all week:)
We drove over 500 miles yesterday, taking one son back to college, and the other and his wife back to the airport, so I had a chicken strip that I got when we stopped for gas on the way home. The gas station had an A&W. Took a couple of bites out of hubby's burger, had a couple of fries. We didn't want to take the time to have a sit-down meal in a restaurant, got it "to go."
Chicken and Polenta Pot Pie

I made the perfect meal for a Sunday evening in November: Chicken and Polenta Pot Pie. It's protein, veggies & corn bread all in one! Try it next Sunday night, you can freeze it and it eat it all week:)
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