What's on the Table for Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Well it is pouring here and both TB and I have various degrees of colds. Mine is headed for my chest and I was up half the night coughing. Kay is going to her house until Tuesday so we will be eating light.

I think I will put on some chicken soup for lunch. I picked up a spaghetti squash and a huge butternut squash yesterday so I will roast them both - one for supper with marinara and some protein for TB (probably salad for me) and the other for some butternut squash soup!
We are venturing into the Polpo world, Greek style. Karen is prepping the beasty for its first round in the pressure cooker, then it gets the skin removed and into a marinade for about an hour, then on to the grill in all its glory. Sure hope we like it!:ermm: It will be sided with a Greek style couscous that has spinach and feta in it.
I'm pan roasting a couple of chicken breasts and making a quick stuffing as a side with a veggie.
It's hard not to make a boatload of chili. :ermm: :LOL: I figure I'll have it for the next couple of days and freeze the rest.
We're going out for dinner tonight to our favorite Mexican-inspired restaurant. I'll probably have the open-faced tamale with short ribs cooked in mole sauce. I might even order a side of jalapeño mac and cheese because I love it so much :heart:
I spelunked some sausage jambalaya of recent vintage. A can of 3 bean salad to go along.
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We are venturing into the Polpo world, Greek style. Karen is prepping the beasty for its first round in the pressure cooker, then it gets the skin removed and into a marinade for about an hour, then on to the grill in all its glory. Sure hope we like it!:ermm: It will be sided with a Greek style couscous that has spinach and feta in it.

So what pray tell is Polpo? Mr. Google only leads me to restaurants by that name.

We're going out for dinner tonight to our favorite Mexican-inspired restaurant. I'll probably have the open-faced tamale with short ribs cooked in mole sauce. I might even order a side of jalapeño mac and cheese because I love it so much :heart:

GG, I may just have to fly back to your neck of the woods again, as you've mentioned this dish several times and my mouth always waters over the thought of it. It's the dish with whole kernel corn in the masa, correct?

We're having big salads with some of the chicken from last night on top, and the rest of the giant artichokes. I think I almost like artichokes frosty cold better than hot.
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I think Craig means pulpo, AKA octopus.

It's Spanish for octopus.

When we snorkel, we never tell the waitstaff when we see pulpo underwater! They're very popular in ceviche, but are such beautiful, intelligent creatures. Unfortunately, they're also delicious.
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I made Natchitoches meat pies. My grandma used to make them, but I never made them before. They were excellent.
..........We're having big salads with some of the chicken from last night on top, and the rest of the giant artichokes. I think I almost like artichokes frosty cold better than hot.

Me too. I love them cold. I don't use butter on them that way so I figure it's a win-win. :)
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