What's your meal plan for Tuesday March 18?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
It is 8:21 in the morning here and I actually know what I am cooking! Put a mark on the wall! :LOL: Actually, I am trying to prep myself for next week when TB starts back on afternoons for 6 months and I will be making our main meal at noon again.

Anyway, dinner will be pork chops with a balsamic/honey sauce, corn on the cob, asparagus wrapped in bacon (for TB, mine will be plain) and baked potato.

Dessert will be a gluten free pumpkin loaf I am trying for the first time, with some coconut milk ice "cream".

What's your plan?
I'm marinating some pork sirloins to make Harry's pork souvlaki for tonight's dinner. I plan to make some green beans with tomato, onion and garlic. I'm going to try frying some potato cubes (french fries the size of small dice).
I'm still deciding. I might nuke some leftover meatloaf and leftover potatoes, make a salad, and serve the rest of yesterday's Bearnaise sauce on the potatoes.
Into the oven any time I get hungry. Dinner is just heat and eat. Lamb stew pot pie with split and probably buttered scone toppers. I had a scone for breakfast and it was a wee bit dry.

I bought strawberries at the market the other day too. Buy one, get one. So there's that.

I feel like I should be doing something more to earn my keep.
Shredded chicken nachos from yesterday's leftover CP chicken. I think I got the sauce to the point where it won't blow the top of my head off. V8 juice is my friend.
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I had some ground beef in the fridge. I gave the yungun a choice of Mexican burritos or meatloaf. He chose Mexican. So that's what we did.
Chicken, Andouille Gumbo
Chicken Parm, roasted mini mixed potatoes and asparagus..I did up a bruscetta mix for the tomato topping, and a bunch of cheeses I had to use


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I'm still deciding. I might nuke some leftover meatloaf and leftover potatoes, make a salad, and serve the rest of yesterday's Bearnaise sauce on the potatoes.
So, for the most part, that's what we did. I didn't have enough leftover potatoes and had to hurry up cook some potatoes. I grabbed two quite large potatoes and sliced them before boiling them. I have never boiled sliced potatoes. I think I will go back to steaming them. That worked better. The potatoes tasted fine, but they tended to break.

I think Bearnaise is my new favourite sauce. It worked great on the potatoes, as well as on the meatloaf. What a great sauce. It has interesting flavours, but doesn't overwhelm what it's on. You can still taste whatever, really well.

Happy tummy.
Chicken, Andouille Gumbo

Looks good S&P, is that andouille really spicy? The one I have would, to quote Dawgluver, "blow the top of your head off". lol!

We had our corned beef tonight, I used my nephew's recipe (slightly altered) featuring a honey mustard glaze. I have to say it was the best corned beef I have ever had :). Served it with roasted potatoes, carrots, onion and fennel, and of course a wedge of cabbage cooked in the corned beef broth. Yum!!!
DH made instant banana cream pudding for dessert. =\
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looks good s&p, is that andouille really spicy? The one i have would, to quote dawgluver, "blow the top of your head off". Lol!

We had our corned beef tonight, i used my nephew's recipe (slightly altered) featuring a honey mustard glaze. I have to say it was the best corned beef i have ever had :). Served it with roasted potatoes, carrots, onion and fennel, and of course a wedge of cabbage cooked in the corned beef broth. Yum!!!
Dh made instant banana cream pudding for dessert. =\

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I grazed through the leftovers...a little bit of everything, including a blueberry pancake for dessert.
My sciatica or pulled muscle or whatever it is was acting up (probably from starting back at the pool) and I slept most of the afternoon.

So, the pork chop dinner is on hold until tomorrow and I made Italian sausage in buns with caramelized onions and salad instead.
I roasted some chicken leg quarters with a mix of herbs and spices under and over the skin and brushed with soy sauce. I also made some doctored-up box stuffing and sauteed green beans and shallots.

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