Where to get top shelf ahi in Seattle area?

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Senior Cook
Sep 29, 2004
I've got a hankerin for some yummy seared ahi. (The hankerin usually comes when the crab leg hankerin is on xmas vacation...)

I've never bought sushi grade tuna before - anybody know any good places to get some?

hiya sheriff, i don't know about seattle, but i buy sushii grade tuna, salmon, octopus, and yellowtail in an asian (technically korean) market near my house. they have a sushi section that offers whole pieces of the fish for making sushi at home. octopus legs are really cool to freak people out at home too. :evil:
as far as seared tuna, ahi is great, but you could do it with other types of tuna as well. i like to buy yellowfin that is frozen and cryopacked right on the boat. rolled in toasted sesame and pan seared, it is deelish served with a ginger/soy/sesame oil dipping sauce.
wussup buck? bidibidibidi - lol

Thanks for the prep tips! I like the sauce suggestion - I'll prolly use something of that sort. For the tuna, I was imagining a mustard seed/peppercorn mixture of some sort... we'll see what happens...


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