Who's Trying to Lose Weight?

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Well I got into a size 8....
now I want to try to cut the carbs. not entirely, but.... it may be the bagels but I am SO tired of the constant bread I.V.......
Going for 6!!
Well I don't have a lot of weight to loose but I just joined a gym.Used to do martial arts for 4 years straight and i loved it , it was exciting and I always did something else. Gym and weightlifting is killing me,combine that with their sick diet and their "I ate 148 grams of this and that" stories it's even worse:(

But I guess after I see the results it will be ok. Btw the food on the previous page look soooo nice :chef:
I tried the Special K for breakfast and lunch but barely got through the day. It just isn't enough food. Not that I wanted more food for taste, I got a tad dizzy and wasn't functioning properly.

I started an excersize routine last night. Should build some stamina and help loose the gut.
I tried the Special K for breakfast and lunch but barely got through the day. It just isn't enough food. Not that I wanted more food for taste, I got a tad dizzy and wasn't functioning properly.

I started an excersize routine last night. Should build some stamina and help loose the gut.

I tried that diet when I lived in San Diego (there are WAY too many stick figures there not to diet) :glare: and it is a terribly unhealthy way to lose the pounds. It's under 600 calories for bfst and lunch. Thats sick! I have been eating every two hours (and drinking a glass of water every 2hrs), each meal should be under three hundred cals. It's working great! I am down 26 pounds.(remember: over a 7-8 month time frame ;))
I started the special K diet last week, I lost 5 lbs. as of today. The first 2 days just had cereal for breakfast and lunch and eating a snack bar after breakfast and after lunch, found I was starving by the time I got home. The days after that I added raw carrots and an apple on different days. I filled the void with fruits and veggies which is what the diet says to do. It is hard, to only eat cereal and the other things through out the day, but you can have a normal dinner. We'll see how next week goes, that will decide if I stay on it.
Suzie-- That's great, I've never been a size 8 so forget a size 6. I'll be happy if I get to a size 10 which is what I was about 5 years ago and in high school.
LOL thanks Mikki...
I doubt I'll get there either.... bread isn't going anywhere, but I KNOW I am sick of bagels.
That's gotta cut something!!!

I tried the Grape nuts rather than special k once. I was starving too. I think the point on those is to shrink your stomach!!!!!
Good luck everyone!!!
OK Special K diet went out the window, I'm so frustrated, went to put on my favorite pair of jeans from last year and they are so tight I can hardly breath. Currently I have 8 pairs of jeans in my closet that don't fit and 2 that do, and now the holidays are coming. THIS SUCKS!!!!!!! :cry::(:cry::(
I've been eating frosted mini wheats for breakfast. For lunch, I buy Campells Chunky soups from Target for under $1.50 per can. I just nuke it in the microwave at work. The funny thing is, I can eat like 3 Whoppers with cheese (of course) or a can of soup and feel satisfied. For dinner, we try to keep it light. Portion control is the main key. You can't eat 40 bowls of Special K and drink diet soda all day and think you're loosing weight. (not saying you do that, just saying ;))

for excersize I've been doing 30 push-ups, 30 scrunches and 50 jumping jacks. I can see the mound moving up a little from my belly. Just bought some super light weight running shoes today to hit the treadmill. I'm siked. I also plan on easing up on the booze since it puts a damper on things.

Winter is coming and I'm craving heaping bowls of goulash and pasta. I need to take control now. lol
Breakfast has been a smoothie, lately. A banana, 6 oz. TJs papaya nectar, 1 oz. flax meal, 1 oz. hemp protein powder, 1 oz. raw organic coconut oil, 5-6 ice cubes into the Vita-Mix. Big salad late in the afternoon. Leafy greens, red onion, red bell pepper, cucumber, zucchini, carrot, red beet, red cabbage, maybe jicama, radish. A lot of red stuff, all high in anti-oxidants. Hard-boiled eggs or skinless chicken breast, and dressing. Lots of water in between, occasionally fresh vegetable juice, plus too much coffee...I know, I know, but I roast my own. It's too good, no apologies. Stationary bike and free weights. It seems to be working.
i have just given up. just trying to eat less. have lost a few pounds. i just love food to much. today, have had a slimfast shake with one half bannana in it. and one bran muffin.
My major problem is that I am a carbohydrate junkie. Bread, cake, cookies, PIE!, ice cream...so, at least for now, I am avoiding everything with grain, yeast or sugar, with the exception of some fruit at breakfast. It seems to be working. It had better, considering the sacrifice...
My problem is I have no set hours at work so I can't eat regularly.
I somehow managed to lose 11 pounds the past couple of months though.
Now, this is my bag.....I became a Certified Transitions Lifestyle Coach and I coach people on the low glycemic way of eating....You are all on the right track....with transitions, we don't cut calories, do not eliminate whole food groups (especially if you want to go to the bathroom again), no counting points...just education on the right foods to eat.

Jikoni is correct about detoxing.....I'll give the old analogy of a car going in for an oil change....your car they just added the oil....my car they performed an oil, lub and filter - which car will run better....So will our bodies and when you use supplementation, and eat nutritionally will be absorbed better.

There are four different detox I recommend to my clients. A one week cleanse on fruits and veg. (3 fruits, tons of veg - lightly steamed or raw), a 30 day cleans with supplementation that is Isotonix, a 1 week nutri-cleanse or an Aloe cleanse.

Your correct about sugar RedKitty, I have a list of about 78 health risks that you can get from abusing your body from sugar...Stevia is great and you can go on Stevia.com for more info, however my personal favorite is Agave. Agave is natural and goes slowly into the blood stream and does not cross the blood brain barrier like sugar. There was a study done with either rats or mice I don't remember, and for 6 weeks (the magic number - if you can stay off of sugar that long, you will not only lose some weight, you will lose your cravings to sweets as well, and other foods will actually taste better!) Okay, the mice thing...three groups, the first group was given water, the second group was given the same as a soda (sugar/water) and the third was given the equivalent of a diet soda (sugar sub/water). When they offered the equivalent of a brownie to the first group, they ate a little and quit, the second and third group with the sugar, ate and ate and ate and ate..... (6 weeks is the magic number)....

I've lost over 35 lbs and kept it off since. 4 1/2 inches on my waist and 3 inches on my hips.....my clients same thing.

You have to be careful not to loose you weight as muscle. Muscle dictates metabolism. When we lose weight as muscle, you gain it back as body fat, thus changing your body composition.
OK, so I'm trying to lose some tonnage. Exercise every day, both aerobic and resistance. And I've cut out grains, yeast and sugar. Very little fruit. Lots of fresh organic veggies, as salads and steamed or braised or raw. And organic beef, free-range organic chicken and fish occasionally. I've been a month so far, and do not own a scale, but I believe it's working. I'm trying new recipes, too. Make 'em up as I go, usually. Tonight I took about an 8 oz. top round steak and strip-cut, for stir-fry. Marinated in pineapple juice, Bragg's and a dash of worcestershire, plus a smidge of fresh crushed ginger. Stir-fried in raw organic coconut oil, drained and made sauce out of the marinade, using arrowroot powder and water (sake would have worked better, maybe, but I'm alcohol-free). Served the beef over a generous bed of organic baby spinach, then added the sauce and sprinkled liberally with shredded coconut. Next time I'll toss pineapple chunks in with the spinach, but it definitely hit the spot. Couple of chilis might've been good, too, but I shared with a non-chili friend. I would appreciate other folks posting their uber-healthy recipes as well.
Hi all!
I started eating healthier on March 8th. I cleaned out my cabinets and restocked. I don't count calories or points, I just read labels. Watch the total fat grams, sodium, sugar and most important for me is the amount of food I was putting on my plate. I started exercising at least 6 days a week. Due to being 160 pounds overweight and suffering from arthritis and various back problems I do my exercising in a swimming pool. I walk for 30 minutes, stomach crunches (over 300) and other strengthening exercises. I am usually in the pool for 1 hour or more. I'm trying not to be so focused on the scale, but focused on getting healthy. Doing so has helped me drop 28 pounds so far.
To quote a friend I made on another forum...
When I changed my attitude, I changed my life!
Sounds elaborate (and very good). What's Bragg's?

Bragg's Liquid Aminos. Non-fermented soy sauce. It has no wheat (safe for Celiac's sufferers) or alcohol. Just organic soybeans and water. Very tasty, and generally found in healthfood stores, but more and more mainstream these days. And it's a very simple recipe to make, really. Cut the meat and add the marinade, refrigerate, covered, then play tennis for a couple of hours, or go get a pedicure. Come home and fire up the wok, add oil, drain and add meat a handful at a time, use the wire rack to let the excess oil drain back into the wok. The spinach stays raw. The coconut comes pre-shredded. The sauce is just left over marinade, with water and thickener...I use arrowroot powder (no grains). You don't have to de-glaze the pan, but rice wine would be nice for that. You don't even need to use a wok, a big frying pan will do just fine.
I need to lose about 15 pounds, but am soooo stuck. I have so much sympathy for folks trying to lose a bunch of weight. I exercise a fair amount and can't even achieve my modest goal.

Hang in there folks.
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