Who's Trying to Lose Weight?

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well folks, i fell off the wagon big time, yesterday. chinese food, chocolate covered strawberries. then for dinner, an eight oz lobster tail dipped in melted butter. however the scale says no harm no foul. so i am back at it today. it was a wonderful mothers day though. my son gave me two tails for mother's day. my daughter brought the chinese and i made the berries. the strawberries were the best i have seen in many years. red and good even in the middle.

You didn't fall off the wagon! You had one of those "that's life" kinda days. one day of indulgence here and there will help keep you sane and won't hurt your progress! Gotta allow life to happen!;)
well folks, i fell off the wagon big time, yesterday. chinese food, chocolate covered strawberries. then for dinner, an eight oz lobster tail dipped in melted butter. however the scale says no harm no foul. so i am back at it today. it was a wonderful mothers day though. my son gave me two tails for mother's day. my daughter brought the chinese and i made the berries. the strawberries were the best i have seen in many years. red and good even in the middle.

Oh no! That doesn't even count!!! Any meals shared with Great Grandkids does not contain calories...:angel:
i am really upset with my diet. only lost one pound in a week and a half. at that rate, i will be dead before i reach my goal. except for mothers day have been sticking to a 1200 or 1000 calories diet . i am really not very active but one can only be so active at 73. what to do? any ideas?
i am really upset with my diet. only lost one pound in a week and a half. at that rate, i will be dead before i reach my goal. except for mothers day have been sticking to a 1200 or 1000 calories diet . i am really not very active but one can only be so active at 73. what to do? any ideas?

Just keep going. The pounds will fall off if you stick with it. Ya gotta believe:angel:
maybe you're not ingesting enough, babe, & your metabolism is fixing things for you by compensating by itself. lemme tell 'ya, too few calories generally works less than ingesting a reasonable, -yet restricted-, diet
i am really upset with my diet. only lost one pound in a week and a half. at that rate, i will be dead before i reach my goal. except for mothers day have been sticking to a 1200 or 1000 calories diet . i am really not very active but one can only be so active at 73. what to do? any ideas?

Lifting weights can help increase your metabolism. Pick up some 3-5 # dumbbells or just use some large soup cans for the weights. Lift over your head, up & down or side to side. Good luck with it. Hope this helps.
Lifting weights can help increase your metabolism. Pick up some 3-5 # dumbbells or just use some large soup cans for the weights. Lift over your head, up & down or side to side. Good luck with it. Hope this helps.

And weights are good for bone density. A big consideration for me.
i decided to not lose weight. ain't worth my time. took me ages to gain, why lose?
so you think i should lose? or gain/maintain. have ya seen my pix on my profile? the profile pix from 4/5/11 & 5/5? cause so maybe you'd change those thoughts, if they were of a negative sort....... some of us would geatly benefit from drastic weight gain. i would.

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I just joined the forum yesterday. I have been trying to lose my last 6 pounds for about 6 months now. A year ago I made the change to get healthy and all and I lost 35 pounds. My goal weight is only 6 pounds away! I was within two pounds in January this year, but gained back 4 since then. Its so hard to be so close!
I just joined the forum yesterday. I have been trying to lose my last 6 pounds for about 6 months now. A year ago I made the change to get healthy and all and I lost 35 pounds. My goal weight is only 6 pounds away! I was within two pounds in January this year, but gained back 4 since then. Its so hard to be so close!

Check out sparkpeople.com it's a great place to get inspired & motivated.

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