Wondering what's for dinner Fri, Nov 15th?

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Harry, looks wonderful!
Katie, with what are you stuffing the chops?
I'm making a variation of Thai-style pork in sweet chili sauce from the Steamy Kitchen cookbook. I don't have chicken but I have pork loin, so will sub that. The recipe also includes bell peppers, onions, fish sauce and soy sauce. I'll serve it over rice.
That looks like it works REAL well, Harry.
I love gnocchis.
Would love the recipe, Kayelle! Great asparagus score!
We went out for Thai, split some Tom Kha soup. I had Crying Tiger beef, DH had Penang Salmon. Good stuff. Except for the salmon, DH loves salmon. I don't.
thanks gg & pac.....hmmmmm,gg & dawg you've got me thinking now(have to lie down soon:rolleyes::LOL:)thai?not had thai in yonks.methinks i feel a bit of a thai yellow or massaman curry coming on....hmmmm,watch this space:ermm:!!
That sounds good Andy...I'll have to give it a try.

MsM....I'm SO glad to see you again and hope you're feeling better. Whata bummer! :flowers:

Great pics Harry and Pac!

I scored at the dollar store today:punk: They had the most beeeeautiful fresh asparagus at a buck a pound. I could hardly believe my eyes at this time of year, and people were practically fighting over it. I grabbed 5 lbs and didn't feel a bit guilty, although I got some snide looks. :ermm:

I've been wanting to pickle some for a long time but I used some of it in an old stand by of a keeper recipe for a dinner casserole with chicken called "Chicken Asparagus Ole'"
If anyone wants the recipe I'll be happy to type it out tomorrow
. :chef:
i'd have gone for 10lbs & "damned the eye's" of the snide lookers,kay:glare:!!
love asparagus,so i'd like the receep please:chef:!
Well, I did something I haven't done since 2005. My wife's dad gave her some coupons (as he often does) and there was one for McDonalds. So we decided to live a little dangerously tonight and each had a Big Mac.

I used to live on fast food when I was 20-something and could eat whatever I wanted, but I can tell already that I'll probably pay for this later. :unsure:

On a related note, is it just me or does the smell of fast food linger for a long time? I can still smell "special sauce" even though we ate two hours ago.
steady on tiger,this is a family show:ermm::ohmy::rolleyes::LOL::LOL:!!
"sometimes only a big mac will do" eh,steve?.with me it's the colonel.once a month treat "mighty bucket" for one.....so what?i eat/drink healthily the rest of the time & when kfc is good,it's sooooo good imo:yum:!"a little of what you fancy does you good"as the song goes;)!!
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inspirational?hmmmm,more inventive than inspirational i guess.never paired seafood & gnocchi before.never seen seafood paired with gnocchi before either.but it worked,by george it worked!!
sack that!!just found loads of gnocchi/seafood dishes on't tinterweb:rolleyes:!!
defo going to give this one a try soon,looks dead simps to cook & marco pierre white is one of my "chef hero's".think i'll use the tinned whole cherry toms as they hold their shape during cooking,which fits in well with the gnocchi shape.i also use the fish stockpot gel "neat" when making a tomato sauce for seafood.works a treat too!!go mpw,go..........!!
Seafood Ragu with Gnocchi Recipe | Marco Pierre White - YouTube


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Arizona dreaming is what we call a southwest blend of dry spices. Here are the ingredients: ancho chili pepper, black pepper, onion, garlic, paprika, spices, cumin, citric acid, Mexican oregano, cilantro, lemon peel, chipotle pepper, red pepper, jalapeño, cocoa, natural smoke flavoring.
I think I had a jar at one time, but prefer Acapulco Gold by a company called Tasty Licks (I know you could have a field day with that one, lol). I'm not sure where the liquid smoke is figuring in... I'd just use your favorite taco or fajita blend. The balsamic vinegar, while not overpowering, is really where the flavor is at.
Arizona dreaming is what we call a southwest blend of dry spices. Here are the ingredients: ancho chili pepper, black pepper, onion, garlic, paprika, spices, cumin, citric acid, Mexican oregano, cilantro, lemon peel, chipotle pepper, red pepper, jalapeño, cocoa, natural smoke flavoring.
I think I had a jar at one time, but prefer Acapulco Gold by a company called Tasty Licks (I know you could have a field day with that one, lol). I'm not sure where the liquid smoke is figuring in... I'd just use your favorite taco or fajita blend. The balsamic vinegar, while not overpowering, is really where the flavor is at.
tasty licks,light licks,forty licks...and there's me thinking they were all drumming terms...well i never,would ya believe it:angel::ermm::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:!!.it was the natural smoke flavouring that got me thinking of stubbs liquid smoke.then i thought,'ang on,this is a dry seasoning,so i thought smoked paprika...right,i'll get me coat.......
This forum has been sorely lacking in the inspiration department lately... just so ya know ;)

I have no idea.
So let the ideas and dinners pour in...

I guess we'll have to start looking at yesterday's thread for inspiration for today's dinner! :LOL:

Here's my Friday dinner:


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tasty licks,light licks,forty licks...and there's me thinking they were all drumming terms...well i never,would ya believe it:angel::ermm::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:!!.it was the natural smoke flavouring that got me thinking of stubbs liquid smoke.then i thought,'ang on,this is a dry seasoning,so i thought smoked paprika...right,i'll get me coat.......

ahhh, yes, that would certainly lead you to think liquid smoke.
I took it to mean the guy putting the spices into the jar had a fag hanging out of his mouth :rolleyes:
ahhh, yes, that would certainly lead you to think liquid smoke.
I took it to mean the guy putting the spices into the jar had a fag hanging out of his mouth :rolleyes:
bearing in mind some recent discussions,on another thread,about a week ago,do you want to rephrase that,ahem,just a little bit..maybe:ermm::ohmy::LOL:?!!
bearing in mind some recent discussions,on another thread,about a week ago,do you want to rephrase that,ahem,just a little bit..maybe:ermm::ohmy::LOL:?!!

Harry, if you weren't in England, I never would have said that ;)
Besides, I grew up reading Andy Capp. That should give me some kind of leeway :LOL:
Harry, if you weren't in England, I never would have said that ;)
Besides, I grew up reading Andy Capp. That should give me some kind of leeway :LOL:
that explains a lot me old mucker;)!!grew up on a daily diet of andy capp meself...affirmation of our misspent formative years eh:rolleyes:?

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