Y Peeler Ouch!!!!!!!

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Master Chef
Oct 19, 2013
Southeast US
I finally decided to give the Oxo "Y" style peeler a shot.
I have never used that type. Only the straight type and I always peeled away from my body. The cheap ones you can buy in the store for a dollar or even less at times.

So when I first bought the wye (Y) peeler, it was very awkward. And shortly thereafter took a small bit of skin and meat off one of my fingers.
Its very sharp. I like that about it BTW.

Today I'm peeling potato's and do it again. But this time I really removed the tip of my finger. Left hand pinky. Not exactly sure how I did it. But it was as I pulled the peeler at the very end of the stroke.
This is close to one of the worst kitchen accidents I have ever had happen with the exception of the once and again knife mistake, slip or minor burn.

Has anyone else had a hard time adjusting to this type of peeler?
I am going to go back online and buy the Oxo straight peeler style, like I am familiar with. It will have a nice sharp blade and maybe I don't cause myself any further injury.
For the record. My wife helped me get it bandaged and I finished peeling the potato's with the "Y" peeler.
But, I could not wash any dishes and expect that to be the case for several days.
I’ve never used one because I thought they looked awkward. I guess I was right. Hope your finger gets well soon.
I had to look up that peeler. It does look awkward. I have the OXO swivel peeler that works like a knife -- it feels very natural in use.

I have taken a fingertip off with a mandolin. It wouldn't stop bleeding after hours wrapped up, so it had to be cauterized. That... really... hurt!

It did heal up, and today, I can't see any trace of the injury.

I had to look up that peeler. It does look awkward. I have the OXO swivel peeler that works like a knife -- it feels very natural in use.

I have taken a fingertip off with a mandolin. It wouldn't stop bleeding after hours wrapped up, so it had to be cauterized. That... really... hurt!

It did heal up, and today, I can't see any trace of the injury.


Yea, I saw them review it on ATK and there are many here who use the Y peeler. It is very sharp. Unlike the cheap ones I have been using my whole life.

Your mandolin injury sounds an awful lot like the one I got today. Sharp I'll tell you. Sharp.
How long did it take to heal?
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I hate them.
Awkward is a good way to describe them.
After using the straight ones for so many years, not sure why I tried to make a change.
Im guessing someone the cooking channel was plugging them, so i decided to give a try.

I consistently took off a piece my finger.
Now I dont even know where they are. I either threw them out or gave them away.

Straight one works fine for me.
I took off the end of my thumb while peeling sugar cane with a jack knife, had it sown on, no trace of injury now. I took off the tip of my ring finger with a mandolin, double bandaged it, and learned to type with the bandages for work. Also no trace of the injury now. I got the feeling back in both cases and it looks like my fingerprints also came back without issues.
There are a number of recommendations for the Y peeler, so I decided to give one a try. There was a short adjustment period, but I quickly came to preferring the Y peeler, and the swivel peelers sit unused in the drawer.

I bought a 3 pack of the Kuhn Rikon peelers for $10. Very sharp, so it doesn't take much force to peel. Never injured myself, as all you need to do is lightly hold the veggie and peeler with your fingers safely out of the way. Much like a dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp knife, as it's prone to slipping due to the force required to cut. I'm still using the first peeler, and have two more in case it goes dull or gets damaged.
They have always looked so awkward to me. Like others I decided to try one and got a ceramic knife and peeler that was on special. When I read the instructions for the knife it went back in the drawer - never to be seen again. About the only thing it would be good for is slicing bananas & cucumbers, except even my table knives can do that in a pinch! Never dulls they say. Prone to chipping, don't use it on 'hard' vegies... wha? No wonder it never dulls.

Yep, the Y peeler, horribly awkward. I use it only for "shaving" asparagus. I saw a video of Gordon Ramsey cooking with his daughter and she was using a Y-peeler on a potato. I cringed the whole time waiting for her to slice herself.

I have sliced myself on the mandolin many times - usually small annoyances. Except once I took off a good 1/4" of my right pinky. Was only going to make one more pass and then get the safety holder. Cat fell off the chair, scared the dog, ensuing scramble made me jump and ... Had to have my neighbour help me bandage it the first time (I'm right-handed) but after that I managed, awkwardly, on my own. Everything was fine until about a week later it suddenly got infected and had to go on anti-biotics.

I was thinking too much skin had been removed but it did eventually grow over. My finger has a noticeably tapered side at the top. LOL!
I hate them.
Awkward is a good way to describe them.
After using the straight ones for so many years, not sure why I tried to make a change.
Im guessing someone the cooking channel was plugging them, so i decided to give a try.

I consistently took off a piece my finger.
Now I dont even know where they are. I either threw them out or gave them away.

Straight one works fine for me.

Well it has happened twice since I ordered the Y peeler.
I blamed lack of control. Awkwardness and my lack of familiarity using one.
Now, I really do think the design is silly. I bought it hook line and sinker.
I am getting the straight kind this time around and will buy a good one.
One thing I did learn is the Y peeler is very sharp.
I like that part.

Thanks all, for the comments.
I've never cut myself that badly with a mandolin or a peeler, though I use the straight ones, but a stray cat that wandered into our house, when it was cool out and I had left the slider open so the dogs could wander in and out of the house into the fenced yard, and had to be retrieved partially tore off a good chunk of thumb end. I never had anything bleed so much in my life, looked more like a whole finger was torn off. It fortunately reattached, but took a long time to heal and had numbness in the tip/end for months and months after. At least I found the cat's owner and didn't have to have rabies shots.
I have both a standard peeler and a generic Y peeler. The couple of times I've used the Y peeler it felt very awkward so I've been using the standard one. I know if I used it a few times I'll get the hang of it.
The mandolin scares the crap out of me
I have one and I use it
But I used it in a Very ssssllllooooowwww motion.
Ive never cut myself on one, but Im accident prone, and Im sure id do a number on myself if i wasn't taking it slow.

The Y peeler, I kept getting myself on my knuckle, consistently.
I blame myself, not the tool.
But I just stick to what works for me.
My mom only had a Y peeler so I'm used to them. BTW I use a straight peeler as my straight "Vegetable" peeler. Works great on carrots, eggplant, cukes etc., and I peel away from me or back and forth for fatter carrots. BUT I only use my Y peeler on potatoes, which I think works best on potatoes and I peel towards me. Both are OXO brand. I never cut/knick myself with either peeler.
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I hope I did not insinuate the peeler was the issue.
It’s my fault 100%. I should have known better and used extra caution with the new peeler design.

It’s still bleeding today. I got it on the bed sheets last night.
Today I got bigger bandaids with the film that keeps it from sticking to the wound. I am also hoping Neosporin will help for bandage changing. Keep it moist so removing the bandaid does not start it up bleeding again.
I am using tape around the finger to hold the bandaid real good.
I hope I did not insinuate the peeler was the issue.
It’s my fault 100%. I should have known better and used extra caution with the new peeler design. .

I take full responsibility for my injuries as well.

The design just doesnt work for me.

For me, it falls under the category " If it aint broke, don't fix it"

I never had a problem with the conventional peeler, I thought the Y Peeler would make it that much easier and efficient. Only thing it did for mesas give me battle scars. Im literally paranoid to use one now.

***MY 2500 post***
I use the yoke style, have for years.
I like them, I find them much more efficient and faster than the straight handle or the semi-rotating 'standard' designs.

but yes - a different technique/grip/whateveryouwanttocallit is probably key. using them 'just like the straight ones' is not appropriate.
RB, pick up some of the skin glue. They sell it over the counter now, just clean wound out well before you use it. You can also use super glue if you absolutely have to.
I only use Y peelers. They are a lot easier and way faster for me than regular ones.

I've been using that type (mine is the Oxo brand) for years now... much preferable to the traditional style that you use like whittling with a knife. Draw the peeler toward you rather than pushing away. Easy to control, and no fingertips in the way. Like Jenny says, I find it to be a lot faster than the traditional peeler. No problems, even with small, skinny carrots.
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