Yellow squash pickles

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Senior Cook
Jun 30, 2007
Hull, Texas
I know a lot of you put in a garden every year as I do and this year my squash is working over-time...I have squash coming out my ears. I'm freezing some for the winter but I was looking around on the net for other ways of using up some of these squash and I came across this recipe and decided to try it. Well to my surprise it is really good and a wonderful way to work another low cal vegetable into my diet with very little effort.

I usually make bread and butter pickles when my cucumbers start making good but now this year I’ll combine my cucumbers and squash in the pickles. I’m really glad I tried these.

I didn't do the water bath I just filled one 1/2 gallon jar and two pints and stuck the whole thing in the frig. These won't last long enough to need a water bath. We finished off one of the pint jars at supper last night.


Preparation time: 25 minutes. Standing time: 2 hours.

For about 2 quarts pickles, you will need:

8 c. thinly sliced yellow squash
3 onions, chopped
1 pound frozen carrots, thawed
1 hole head of garlic sliced
1/3 c. salt
3 c. vinegar
3 c. sugar - sub
1 tbsp. each mustard seeds and turmeric
1 tsp. celery seeds

TIPS: Use squash in prime condition. Scrub well before slicing. White vinegar will give the best color.
In large mixing bowl, combine squash onions, and green pepper. Add combined 1/3 cup salt and water to cover. Stir lightly. Cover and set aside for 2 hours. Drain.
Combine remaining ingredients in large pot. Bring to a boil. Add squash mixture. Boil 3 minutes.
Pack in hot, sterilized jars, leaving 1/2 inch head space. Seal jars. Serve pickles well chilled.

my goodness, have to make this, can i cut the amount of sugar, or use splenda instead. i miss pickles on this low sodium diet. this will be a great sub. for them . thanks so much.
Maybe you could look on the Splenda website and see if they have any tips for how to sub Splenda for sugar when making pickles.
I buy B&B pickles made with Splenda, so I'm sure you could sub it for the sugar.
Those look beautiful! I made B&B's out of zucchini one year, and they were also quite tasty. No one guessed they weren't made from cukes.
The only problem that I could see in subbing Splenda for the sugar is the lost liquid from the dissolved sugar. You would have to add water to the vinegar to thin it down as the dissolved sugar would have done. That would probably take a little experimentation to get the right mixture but there is no doubt it could be done if a body had a mind to.
my goodness, have to make this, can i cut the amount of sugar, or use splenda instead. i miss pickles on this low sodium diet. this will be a great sub. for them . thanks so much.

my grocery store that delivers has no yellow squash. may have to hit farmers market on tues. i am determined to make these.
still no yellow squash, gonna check one more store , if not will use zucc. i will have to leave out the salt but they should still be tasty. gonna make sunday, come hell or high water
That is so strange...this is the time of year that yellow squash is in season. I would think it would be very easy to find.
Gosh, even our farmers markets here in VA already have local yellow squash coming in. Can't believe no one has it in California!!
no yellow squash, i too am dumbfounded that they don't have them. will have my son check at his market. otherwise i am good to go with baby zucchini. i am hoping they will be good.

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