Your weekend?

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Master Chef
Aug 24, 2004
da 'burgh
for me: hair appointment, time with kitty, dinner at a grille with jake (NOT liking it!), studying, library, sleepy-bye for saturday.

Glorious weather today. House open as much as possible. Hummingbirds goin' wacky at the feeder. They're little piggies. I'm going to have to fill the feeder again...soon.

I've hit a "transition," I guess as I've been purging the house of unnecessary/unused/outdated stuff. I imagine it's a spring cleaning thing, but I've felt invigorated as things are tossed and given away.

I also gathered together quite a few of Buck's clothes and readied them for delivery to an upscale consignment store in my area.

I've been on the fence about what to do with his things and didn't really feel right about giving them to charity, even though I know folks would benefit from them. However, so many of his things were nearly brand new so I opted to go the route of the consignment store. Some things still had the original tags on them.

At any rate, whatever money comes from my efforts will go toward an airplane ticket to see his 95-year-old mother. I was supposed to fly to see her the night the ice storm hit but, as it turned out, my ticket was non-refundable, so the $500 went into the dumper.

So far, my weekend has felt as though a weight has been lifted and I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Don't have anything planned but, if it's nice outside like it's predicted, you can bet I won't be inside much.

Porch settin' for sure in the evening!
Beautiful weather here at the moment now that it's coming into winter. Our eldest Son finished work early Friday afternoon so we ducked down to the river that runs through town for a couple of hours and caught a nice feed of Flathead, Whiting and Garfish. The large Flathead measured 2'6" long so there was plenty for us and the neighbours.
toda (sunday) we're going flea-market browsing. then i'm visiting my parents.
Yesterday we went and watched Cade play baseball, then out to dinner with youngest daughter. Ethan and Olivia..Nothing like two warm,sweet kiddo's sitting on both sides of you to make your day. Today is our Sunday at Ma's, looking forward to all the voices as the kids play, hugs and kisses coming soon.
Hadn't expected to start my day burying a kitty, but that's what I have to do in a few minutes and sets the stage for a gloomy day.

When I went out to put breakfast for Thelma, Violet and Tumble, only Violet and Tumble came running. Thelma is always the first one at the milkie bowl. I called and called for her, then went looking for her.

I found her, dead, in the driveway. She was tangled with all sorts of leaves and vines as if she'd run through some vegetation to get away from something. I gave her a cursory examination and couldn't see any wounds, etc. I'm going to look again before I bury her.

She hadn't been dead long because she was still slightly warm. My heart is breaking because she was the senior member of the outdoor children and a real loving and gentle girl. She was at least 10-years-old. Her son, Squeakers, was shot and killed a couple of weeks ago.

Porch settin' won't be the same tonight.:(:(:(:(
Oh Katie, I'm so sorry. What a year you have had! My heart is breaking for you and I'm sending you love and warm thoughts.
Oh Katie, I'm so sorry. I've lost several kitties due to someone or something that has hurt them. It makes e so angry and sad..I'll be thinking of you and your fur baby today.
Katie - check your PM's :(

I accomplished a big fat nada yesterday except for getting a sunburn. Today I hope to do a few household duties and figure out what to cook for supper. I'll go peruse the "What's for Dinner" threads.
usual stuff, reading the sunday paper with my coffee is a big pleasure for me. i take my time and read everything and every section. gotta do a couple chores but no big deal. i found a new site on line that really entices me. i am a crime buff. so have spent a lot of time there, yesterday and plan to today.

have read every book in the house, i need to call my book person, i feel lost when i don't have a book going.

since i am retired most of my days are like the week end. lucky me
Hadn't expected to start my day burying a kitty, but that's what I have to do in a few minutes and sets the stage for a gloomy day.

When I went out to put breakfast for Thelma, Violet and Tumble, only Violet and Tumble came running. Thelma is always the first one at the milkie bowl. I called and called for her, then went looking for her.

I found her, dead, in the driveway. She was tangled with all sorts of leaves and vines as if she'd run through some vegetation to get away from something. I gave her a cursory examination and couldn't see any wounds, etc. I'm going to look again before I bury her.

She hadn't been dead long because she was still slightly warm. My heart is breaking because she was the senior member of the outdoor children and a real loving and gentle girl. She was at least 10-years-old. Her son, Squeakers, was shot and killed a couple of weeks ago.

Porch settin' won't be the same tonight.:(:(:(:(

ohhh..... my. i'm very sorry, katie. (((((((HUGS)))))))
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