Strange things pets like to eat

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Senior Cook
Nov 26, 2007
Cape Town,South Africa
Do your pets like strange foods ? My bulldog loves shrimp shells and raw pasta dough. Of course we don't feed it to him as I don't think it can be too good for him but every now and then DH will give him a shell or two and he just gobbles it up and drools for more. Made fresh pasta last night and left it on the pasta rack (is that what you call it?) and some of it fell to the floor as it hardened - Jake(the bulldog) and I came into the kitchen at the same time this morning and before I could move it was gobbled up in 5 secs flat. Strange.
A lot of dogs do that redkitty. I read that it could be because catfood has more protein in it, thus making the "end" product appealing to them. My dog was eating his own (also not totally uncommon) but I don't think he has since I accidentally started forgetting to give him his brewer's yeast (for fleas). The funny thing is, natural remedies to stop that contain brewer's yeast because it is bitter and they say dogs don't like it. Cubbie loves brewer's yeast!

My mom's dog Baby would eat anything my mom would eat, except lettuce. She was crazy about Nabisco ginger snaps though.

We had a cat that had come from an abusive situation. When we first got her she would eat so fast that she would get sick. She finally stopped doing that, but if one of the other cats came near her while she was eating she would eat it as quickly as possible. I think she would have eaten rocks if she thought the other cats wanted them!

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I read an article today that a dog at half a block of yeast or something, had to be taken the vet, the vet thought it was drunk or it certainly smelt like it but in actual fact the yeast began to ferment in its stomach or something instead thus making it smell like home brew - poor thing!
Yikes, poor dog! When I mentioned to my neighbor that Cubbie (German Shepherd) likes brewer's yeast, she said, "Of course, Germans like beer!" LOL

My two younger cats like to eat old plastic. Not new plastic; it has to be
fairly old. (I sell items that are often stored in plastic bags for years.)
One likes to "eat" recharging unit power cords... like cell phone chargers.
He just chews them... so we have camouflaged cords, LOL!
had two brother Siamese cats growing up...both liked the water dish to be off the floor, and as soon as we elevated it they stopped drinking from the flowers etc.

One cat loved cantaloupe, the other was crazy for asparagus. Both liked anything smoked or barbecued or grilled and always came around for the summer backyard dinner events no matter how many people were invited and invading their territory.
Topeka used to eat kitty cookies out of the cat box, her breath could kill you:ohmy:Fendoodle, our sons kitty, eats the fake plants in his house. she also flosses with them, and only drinks water out of 'your' glass. so whether you're thirsty or not, you have to get a drink of water just so she can have hers.
Binker-boy will eat just about any raw veggies, carrots, broccoli, squash, lettuce, cabbage, mint, what ever is safe to give them. I buy bags of carrots now and let Boots and Binks share a carrot. I hold the carrot and they take turns biting chunks off of it. Binks loves apples too, Boots is not so big on the veggies and fruits like Binks is. I even got a pic of Binks eating a carrot the other night, I will see if I can post it!
I have two cats that like Chicken In a Biscuit crackers. And one that's keeps trying to eat plastic. I don't let her, but she keeps trying.
Chico , my male cat,just loves to eat olives, and yoghurt with honey. Cassandra, my female thinks that Danish butter cookies are divine.She also enjoys eating cheese and greens beans in tomato sauce.


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:) Two of my dogs love romaine lettuce when I make salad I give them the ends the white ribs I just throw them on the floor and they start grazing
We had some cats years ago who loved popcorn, but only if you threw it to them one piece at a time, after they had finished each piece. Cubbie likes it a little but usually only wants a couple pieces.

We used to have a cat that fought my husband for his blue cheese left on his plate - he went a bit whacko for a few minutes trying to get to it!
My dog used to like to eat apples and cucumbers, but only if I'd peel it for him. He was like a spoiled child. I'd peel apple for my son and my dog to share.
My cat is very finicky, she only likes dry cat food, no treats or wet food. But she does like salty things, olives and potato chips. She will just lick the salt off of chips though she doesn't eat them. That might have to do with the fact that she is missing a front tooth though!

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