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    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw reacted to pepperhead212's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
      A couple of days ago I harvested another batch of dill, at least as large, most of it from that same Persian plant. Only one or two...
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw reacted to msmofet's post in the thread Our pets with Like Like.
      I'm lucky my DD's will take care of my babies.
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw reacted to msmofet's post in the thread Egg prices - OMG! with Wow Wow.
      Bacon and eggs could break the bank! This is the current SALE price for a pound of bacon at ShopRite. Regular price $8.15.
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Today's Funny with Haha Haha.
      Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
    • dragnlaw
      I'm amazed at what people put in the dish washer! I put eating dishes, like plates and bowls, china serving dishes, glass/ceramic...
    • dragnlaw
      I'm Canadian, I do Fahrenheit, my kids look at me weirdly and shake their heads. Guess it's because I never really cared what the...
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw replied to the thread Our pets.
      That sounds good for you taxy. Even if they are not the cuddly in your lap type, they are still good company. To talk to, to reach out...
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Our pets with Like Like.
      This is one reason I don't have a cat at the moment. I am thinking that, if I get another cat, it would be a senior cat. But, yeah...
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw reacted to Kathleen's post in the thread Our pets with Like Like.
      We did the same when Jezebel and our other cats passed. What concerns me is what will happen to the kittens should something happen to...
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw reacted to msmofet's post in the thread Our pets with Like Like.
      When we had to put Angel down due to serious health issues the vet gave us a plan. She was cremated. We also got a lock of her fur and a...
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw reacted to medtran49's post in the thread Our pets with Like Like.
      We don't have anything in writing but should. Need to change wills to name the rescue for pugs that we've donated to in past. They...
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw replied to the thread Our pets.
      An excellent idea Kathleen. I've always had someone who could step in, but I know many who don't. Please think about it folks!
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw reacted to FrankZ's post in the thread Today's Funny with Haha Haha.
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw replied to the thread Egg prices - OMG!.
      @medtran49 Thanks for the rice tip on meringue! I wait for bacon to come on sale as well. Most bacon here is about $8.00 per 350 gr...
    • dragnlaw
      dragnlaw reacted to medtran49's post in the thread Egg prices - OMG! with Love Love.
      You can make them, but have to store them in a sealed container with rice. That's what I have to do considering it's almost always...
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