Our pets

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Sous Chef
Aug 8, 2007
Augusta, Ga
I did a search and couldn't come up with anything as far as a thread about everyone's pets. I noticed a lot of avatars containing animals and thought we could share our furry friends here :)

This is Aspen, my 6 yr old Akita. She is the world to me as she helped me through some tough times.


So little and shy when I brought her home.


Ahhhh.... comfy!

She's awsome with kids. She'll tolerate anything.

Another of my friends. A rat I "aquired" from a breeder who got tired of the business and was going to feed what she had to snakes that she owned. Aspen loves anything big or small! You can see Aspen's tongue out a bit, she would groom Truffle with little licks on her nose and Truffle would never bite or anything. I think she liked it :wub:
Hi, jen. I don't remember seeing any "pet" thread but, you're right, many of us use our furry children as our avatars.

Mine is my mama's boy of a kitty named Ashley. He's a blue-eyed beauty and has the most gentle, loving disposition. He's a mongrel but a beautiful one.

Buck and I have many feline children, both inside and outside and wouldn't trade them for anything.

As you mentioned, our pets have a wonderful capacity to help us get through some rough spots. They're more fun and cheaper than tranquilizers.
:)I have 3 dogs and 2 cats.Bear a female chow mix,Daisy Duke a boxer mix and Lobo a German Shepard.The cats are a white Himilayan named Shadow and a gray striped cat named Snoopy.They are all great pets and all are very sweet.
Nemo.... the black lab! A super intelligent and reliable hound!
Nellie... the white lab/retriever! She's a daddy's girl for sure!

Rocky, Baxter and Duke!
Rocky's the 14 year old Princess who has never been seen
drinking water!
Baxter's the (now) 20 pound Maine Coon tabby.
Duke is is fraternal (now) 7 pound runt tabby.

The snake, 2 rats, 1 hamster, 1 turtle and assorted others
have all gone across the Rainbow Bridge.

Hmmm, DC doesn't seem to want to upload my pictures. Oh well.
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Lily Lily Queen of cats. She's the best that there is. Her photos on her some where.....
G-Nas is my wonderful feline friend. She is a 12 year old orange and white slighty overweight loving cat. She has been recently trained by my new roommate who moved in a year and a half ago. She was always terrified of the outdoors and he has trained her to go outside on the deck. She doesn't always go very far away from the door, but every night at 11:00 or 12:00 she meows at the front door for her nightly outside time! I guess an old cat can be taught new tricks!
Our little star

Stella, our miniature schnauzer is our little star. For the Tennessee Williams fans, you'll be pleased to know that we always draw a smile at the park when we call her name.

She is sweet and friendly and what might be novel for Northern Hemisphere schnauzer owners, she has the most beautiful feathery tail. (the law in our state no longer allows the docking of dogs' tails for cosmetic reasons). I sometimes sit at work and wish I could be at home with her.


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Akitas are beautiful dogs. I have an 8 year old mixed breed dog, mainly American Eskimo, some corgey and australian cattledog but has the appearence of a white wolf cub. I'm looking into having a snake, prefarably a nice cobra or viper.
:)This is just another reason I love DC because of all the pet lovers.I love my 3 dogs and 2 cats so much.They all have their own personalities just like people.Every one was a rescue but I am at my limit of adopting but if I find an animal dumped on the long highway to the ranch I will pick it up and find it a home.It seems alot of people will dump these poor creatures on this highway.Shame on them!:(
How pretty. I don't know how to post photos, and don't have a digital camera. Most here, though, followed my doggie's 8 day saga, my tears and woes. She is fine now, old and happy to stay home!
I love looking at everyone's pets!!! First is Binks, he is a 4 year chihuahua that obviously has a desire to be a writer. Second is Boots, he is about 15 years old and still truckin!!!


is it just me, or do dogs and even cats seem to know when youre taking a photo of them?

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