Once in a while you find you actually made a good impression on someone!
A kid I met a couple of years ago, when tutoring him in math, liked to cook me a quick dal halfway through, and he didn't have a great selection of knives - his family didn't take care of them well, and even when he tried to sharpen them, it didn't work. I showed him why - they had been sharpened to where the edges were thick, and they would have to be totally "reshaped". He was into metalwork in school, so he knew what I meant. And I got him some extra knives I had in my basement - things I had at my Mom's house, and got back, but don't need them. He was thrilled to get them - an 8" chef's knife, and 8" cleaver. He keeps them in the cardboard sheaths that I had them in, and tells everyone else not to touch them! He keeps them razor sharp, always showing me how he can shave some hair off his arm with the knife he's using, and showing me how just the weight of the knife will cut through some things! And as soon as he's done with it, he'll wash it, dry it, and put it away in the sheath. He's only 18 now, and more obsessed with the knives than I am!