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    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic reacted to Kathleen's post in the thread The Sick Room with Love Love.
      Not being well is horrible. Seeing your loved one's unwell adds heartbreak to the mixture. I pray for you and yours, GG.
    • GotGarlic
      Juicing removes the fiber, but not the vitamins and minerals.
    • GotGarlic
      Aluminum foil is solid - it doesn't "breathe." The growers know what they're doing when they design the bag celery is sold in. It's best...
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic replied to the thread The Sick Room.
      I appreciate the advice. In my case, I don't absorb fluids well, so I have to infuse them, and I didn't get enough one day. I got chest...
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic replied to the thread The Sick Room.
      Thank you, everyone 🤗
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic reacted to caseydog's post in the thread The Sick Room with Love Love.
      GG, you, your DH and your mom have suffered dehydration recently. If there was not medical condition causing it, please take the advice...
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic reacted to Linda0818's post in the thread The Sick Room with Love Love.
      Wow, you're going through a lot right now, GG. I can't imagine handling all of that at once. I really hope things turn around and get...
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic reacted to taxlady's post in the thread The Sick Room with Love Love.
      Oh GG! It doesn't rain but it pours. Sending positive vibes for you, your DH, your mum, and your dog. (((hugs)))
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic reacted to msmofet's post in the thread The Sick Room with Love Love.
      You, your mom, and DH are in my thoughts and prayers. {HUGS}
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread The Sick Room with Love Love.
      LOL, I just bet you are! Again I have to say what a beautiful condo. You're going to be so happy and relaxed there I'm sure.
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic replied to the thread The Sick Room.
      Thank you. I'm doing my best! Plus, we're closing on the condo two weeks from today. Now, THAT I'm really excited about 😁 Can't wait to...
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread The Sick Room with Love Love.
      OMG, GG hugs for you and yours! Hopefully that's it, dog was number 3? you know the saying things happen in 3's. With all that's...
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread The Sick Room with Like Like.
      Took me ages to figure it out between mornings of constant debilitating belly aches after breakfast. Some mornings I had cereal and...
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic replied to the thread The Sick Room.
      Hi all. I haven't written about this before because I'm just so busy, but my husband and my mom are both in the hospital - in different...
    • GotGarlic
      GotGarlic replied to the thread Happy Canada Day.
      Happy belated Canada Day, my dear Canuck friends! I hope you had a fabulous day! 🇨🇦
      • Happy-Canada-Day-2024-sea-to-sea-.jpg
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