Soup Season, anyone got any upcoming soup plans?

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I foresee some gazpacho soon. @Aunt Bea shared a Jacques Pépin video and I wrote down all the ingredients and steps. It's delicious. I also want to try a friend's recipe. It's pretty much a regular gazpacho recipe, but she gleefully uses canned tomatoes instead of fresh if it's what she has or or what she has the energy for. She also gleefully substitutes canned beets for the cucumber, if that's more convenient. She says that a large batch will keep fine in the fridge for a week, just leave out the EVOO and vinegar until ready to serve.

Gazpacho is something that I love to make - once tomatoes start coming in big time, and I'm getting 3 lbs at a time, and cucumbers, and my first garlic, as well, I make my first one. And I might make my first (last?) one soon - something I do when it's almost time for tomatoes to start ripen. I get the last of the tomatoes out of the freezer, and cucumbers, and bell peppers from the store, and make gazpacho with them. The frozen, whole tomatoes make a delicious gazpacho, and it's a way to get the last of those tomatoes out of the freezer.
We have company coming on Monday. They are "Corgi" friends. Some of them we've not met in person yet, but have known them for 20+ years in our online ListServ. I think I'll make a Pot Pie SOUP, along with Corgi Pie Crust crackers (file photo). I think it will be easy to keep warm for late arrivals and be a hit with this crowd. I'll likely make a strawberry crostata with homemade vanilla ice cream too. It has been hot this week (80's), but supposed to be back to 60's next week. :unsure:


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We have company coming on Monday. They are "Corgi" friends. Some of them we've not met in person yet, but have known them for 20+ years in our online ListServ. I think I'll make a Pot Pie SOUP, along with Corgi Pie Crust crackers (file photo). I think it will be easy to keep warm for late arrivals and be a hit with this crowd. I'll likely make a strawberry crostata with homemade vanilla ice cream too. It has been hot this week (80's), but supposed to be back to 60's next week. :unsure:
I love the idea of the corgi cutout crackers!

Your post reminded me of Tasha Tudor and her home, Corgi Cottage.

This recipe is from The Tasha Tudor Cookbook.

I made parsnip-ginger soup today; blended it with the hand blender. Chicken broth, about a T minced onion, bag of parsnips, chopped, finely sliced ginger....maybe an inch.

I did use a bit too much ginger, but it still satisfied my hunger for it.

This came from an old Bon Appetit magazine.
I love the idea of the corgi cutout crackers!

Your post reminded me of Tasha Tudor and her home, Corgi Cottage.

This recipe is from The Tasha Tudor Cookbook.

I have that cookbook and have donated many copies of it to Corgi Rescue fundraiser events, over the years. That's the books that calls recipes, receipts! Love Tasha!!

Honestly, the "Pot Pie" recipe called for making pie crust crackers in star shapes, etc...but it occurred to me that being Corgi lovers, we would appreciate the Corgi shapes more. I have cookie cutters in both breeds - Cardigan Welsh Corgi (with a tail) and Pembroke Welsh Corgi (sans the tail)...since we are a mixed crowd, I make some of each.
blissful, do you have a $$tore near you? Next trip to town check one out. Cookie cutters start at .89$ for itty bitty ones. I have tons of cutters, LOL... another passion of mine - hardly use them but gotta hav'em!
I was going to try a new recipe-cucumber soup. But SO was very NOT interested. So no soup for me. ;)
I was going to try a new recipe-cucumber soup. But SO was very NOT interested. So no soup for me. ;)
Hmmm...that could be very good! Hot or cold soup? I have a recipe for Sweet & Sour Scallops that uses cucumber in it. The first time I made it, I was surprised that I really liked the hot cuke! Who knew?
Last night we had some home canned veggie soup, it had potatoes, onions, tomato, garbanzo beans, corn, and probably other things I can't remember. It was good but next time I can veggie soup I won't use the garbanzo beans, they discolored and didn't look appetizing, though they tasted fine. I'll use black, red, or pinto beans. We had it with WW toast.
We love having the home canned soups on hand, a quart will yield 2 2-cup servings, and all we have to do is warm it up. We season it when we serve ourselves.
Avgolemono last night with hummus grilled flatbread, zucchini sticks grilled on one side but still firm enough for dipping in tzatziki, pic in a moment.

Hmmm...that could be very good! Hot or cold soup? I have a recipe for Sweet & Sour Scallops that uses cucumber in it. The first time I made it, I was surprised that I really liked the hot cuke! Who knew?

It's a cold soup. Cucumber Soup Recipe (With Yogurt and Dill) from
It’s still soup season!
It's always soup season in my house. The other day I made a Turkish red lentil soup, thickened with bulgar and brown rice. Picked leaks the other day, so made vichyssoise ( potato/ leek) and had it tonight with fresh cut chives. Saved all the pea pods from my pea harvest, and made pea pod soup ( got it from Jaques Pepin). I use it as a base when I make split pea soup. Looking forward to Gazpacho, which is only a few weeks away. I love soup. Ive been known to get a bowl of soup at restaurants for dessert.
I have/make soup whenever I feel like having it. Doesn’t matter what the calendar says.
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