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    • Bama-Rick
      Bama-Rick replied to the thread Cookie problems.
    • Bama-Rick
      Bama-Rick replied to the thread Cookie problems.
      Yes, the dough is dry and I can fix it by adding more shorting, but want to figure out what changed. I don't weigh my ingredients I...
    • Bama-Rick
      Bama-Rick replied to the thread Cookie problems.
      that's probably the problem.
    • Bama-Rick
      Bama-Rick replied to the thread Cookie problems.
      Following the recipe on a bag of Toll House chocolate chip cookies do not turn out as they should. The dough will not even hold together...
    • Bama-Rick
      Bama-Rick reacted to Aunt Bea's post in the thread Cookie problems with Like Like.
      Ingredients change over time. I suspect that the elimination of trans fats may be a part of the problem. 🤔
    • Bama-Rick
      Bama-Rick replied to the thread Cookie problems.
      Changed a few things since companies and the products from fifty years ago no longer exist.. But the ingredients I use are still the...
    • Bama-Rick
      Is anyone else having trouble making cookies? I use an old circa 1950 Betty Crocker Cookbook for my cookie recipes. Lately, the cookies...
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