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      SlowCook66 replied to the thread Worms!.
      Because you only make stepping stones with them when you have certain things in place, like machines, packaging etc…. You sound pretty...
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      SlowCook66 replied to the thread Worms!.
      No that’s not the way you do it. I have a government agent that’s looking into all that for me it’s just that in the meantime I was...
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      SlowCook66 replied to the thread Worms!.
      Ah ok I see so I could simply put a towel over it to protect it. I also found this: How Long Does Fudge Last at Room Temperature...
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      SlowCook66 replied to the thread Worms!.
      You mean in 48 hours bacteria can form ?
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      SlowCook66 replied to the thread Worms!.
      But is it ok to let fudge set on the counter for 48 hours ?
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      SlowCook66 reacted to Kathleen's post in the thread Worms! with Like Like.
      Did it have any sort of nuts in it? Even if you didn't, and this is something people do not wish to consider, there is an allowable...
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      SlowCook66 reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Worms! with Like Like.
      It's true that you can have fruit flies invading any time of year. But, with the extra fresh fruit available in summer, I find that it's...
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      SlowCook66 reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Worms! with Like Like.
      The fact that it's fruit fly season was why I thought of them as a likely suspect.
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      SlowCook66 replied to the thread Worms!.
      Well, I don’t want my clients to eat any contaminants that’s why we are working hard to adapt the necessary stabilizers and vacuum...
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      SlowCook66 replied to the thread Worms!.
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      SlowCook66 replied to the thread Worms!.
      Cause it was a test and never intended to be eaten. I was also keeping it for 3D size and to see how long this could last on the counter...
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      SlowCook66 replied to the thread Worms!.
      Yes yes I know but asides from the size reference I was curious to see how long it can be held intact on the counter for this product...
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      SlowCook66 replied to the thread Worms!.
      Ok thanks for your feedbacks
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      SlowCook66 replied to the thread Worms!.
      This is highly probable …. It was a hot summer and yes I do see the odd fruit fly here and there 👍
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      Ok, I’m disgusted !!!! 9 months ago I had made some fudge and decided to keep a square to have a size reference. So I kept it on my...
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