Father's Day Dinner, June 19th

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 19, 2011
Sandy Eggo
Is everyone serving up Dad's favorite?

I'm having a Sunday Dinner of chef's salad; penne rigati with grandma's sauce; Italian sausages; beef, turkey, and pork meatballs; fresh baked Italian bread; and a 2009 Cantine di Oro Barbera d' Asti
Snip, I am interested - what is your version of a fry up? Does it include eggs, meat and potatoes as it would here?
Dh asked for hamburgers, so we will do that on the charcoal bbq hot dogs as well, fruot salad, tortalini salad, torta rolls wil be sliced and put on the bbq to toast, corn on the cob, dill pickles,crackers smoked trout dip to go with the crackers,bbq'd sausage as an appy cake and ice cream for dessert.
I am going to have lunch with my Dad - he'll have what they serve and I am taking a salad and fruit for me. I am also taking him some (no sugar added) Purdy's chocolate and a (sugar filled) small hot fudge sundae from DQ. :angel: Hey, it's Father's Day! I know Princess Fiona will be proud of me! ;)

For dinner my sister is going up to be with him and DH is at work so I am on my own. I am suffering from a serious asthma attack (four hours in the ER for treatment last night which helped a lot) so cooking is a chore but eating seems to make me feel better. I think I will either take out one of the frozen dinners I make for DH's work meals or better yet order a double mushroom double cheese pizza from around the corner. Not part of my diet plan but I am sick and need nourishment.:cool: (That's my story and I am sticking to it!)
I could really go for some grilled shrimp enchiladas with molé, but I don't have any large shrimp. That puts that idea in a holding pattern until I decide if I want to make a shrimp run all the way into the city, or see what the town store might have, which will probably only be precooked shrimp...
So I guess undecided would be my answer.

Lunch was pretzels and melon.
I could really go for some grilled shrimp enchiladas with molé, but I don't have any large shrimp. That puts that idea in a holding pattern until I decide if I want to make a shrimp run all the way into the city, or see what the town store might have, which will probably only be precooked shrimp...
So I guess undecided would be my answer.

Lunch was pretzels and melon.

Pac, how's about I bring the shrimp and you do the cooking? :)
We took DH to an Asian buffet after church. That satisfied him for Father's Day. I'll be making chicken fried steak, mashed taters and green beans for supper as requested by DS who will be headed back to UVA for the summer next week.
Since I've introduced Glenn to Cornish hens, he's become almost addicted, so we're going to have those on the rotisserie with garlic and herbs under the skin. I'll probably do some corn-on-the cob (frozen from last year's garden), a big salad of fresh garden lettuce and whatever else I can come up with. Glenn loves everything on the menu and is soooooo easy to cook for I can hardly believe it.

We'll wash everything down with some iced tea and finish with nearly the last of the strawberry cake I made a while ago.
I didn't used to like Cornish hens, but now I find they are just the right size for a lot of dishes where I don't want a ton of leftovers.

I found some raw shrimp at the town store. I know they didn't used to carry them and it looks like they just added them amongst all the cooked shrimp. They had one row for them and I got the last bag. From the warm farm waters of Thailand, but it is what it is, lol. Maybe they will add more if people keep buying them.
They even had bags of clams in the meat cooler. Surprised the heck out of me. I passed on those...
Cold and dreary here, feels like a comfort food day. Although I can see it brightening up out over the water, it may clear up by dinner time. The dreariness is making me think soup, chili, or chicken pot pie, something on that order, any ideas????? DH is easy and doesn't expect anything special for father's day!
pacanis said:
I didn't used to like Cornish hens, but now I find they are just the right size for a lot of dishes where I don't want a ton of leftovers.

I found some raw shrimp at the town store. I know they didn't used to carry them and it looks like they just added them amongst all the cooked shrimp. They had one row for them and I got the last bag. From the warm farm waters of Thailand, but it is what it is, lol. Maybe they will add more if people keep buying them.
They even had bags of clams in the meat cooler. Surprised the heck out of me. I passed on those...

Pac, just curious, when you say "town store" is the town really small? Is the store a regular grocery store?
No fathers here but i'm having some hamburg steak, Sautéed Onions and Perogies. Had some home made Taquitos for lunch
James got to pick anywhere he wanted to go for lunch after church. I was kind of hoping for something involving steak and tons of good bread, but he opted for comfort instead. We went through Wendy's Drive-thru.

We are having tostadas for supper tonight. I was going to get some avocados so we can have guacamole on them, but the only avocados they had that were soft enough looked bad, but the tostadas will be yummy even without the guacamole. :cool:
Pac, just curious, when you say "town store" is the town really small? Is the store a regular grocery store?

Well, they think they're a regular grocery store :ermm:

Yeah, it's pretty small. I don't even like shopping there and actually didn't for a couple years. Too many bad experiences with rank food that was dated just fine. Something was amiss in their food handling. And it's still not uncommon to see ground turkey in the cooler a few days past expiration... on sale... :ohmy: That is, the few times a year they even have ground turkey.
They have new ownership now, so some things might be improving. Four minutes away you can't beat it for impulse eating though. And they have great homemade pepperoni balls. Those clear off the shelf fast.
And they did have my shrimp, so I'll give that two thumbs up.
i would like to live in a small town like that for a year, pac, just to see what it's like. in my oft backwards kind of thinking, i figure giving up lots of well stocked supermarkets from everywhere around the world (and the neighbors to go with them, right on top of you all the time), there must be many other advantages. like peace and quiet, and privacy.

ok, so, happy papa's day to all the dads.

we're going to joe's crab shack for dinner tonight. i've always wanted to go to one. i know it's stupid, but their tv ads always look so good. i sure hope it's not just another red lobster.
i would like to live in a small town like that for a year, pac, just to see what it's like. in my oft backwards kind of thinking, i figure giving up lots of well stocked supermarkets from everywhere around the world (and the neighbors to go with them, right on top of you all the time), there must be many other advantages. like peace and quiet, and privacy...

Well, rumor has it you can breathe in a small town... ;)

Seriously, I imagine I like it here more than I would like living/working in NYC, but I am always envious of the food selection and markets I read about. Driving to the closest city isn't much of a step up for me :rolleyes:

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