G20 Angus Flank Steak

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Sous Chef
May 20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
What does one do when 2 small aircraft and 1 helicopter do circles around your neighbourhood during the G20? Flank Steak, that's what!

Bought some Angus Flank Steak today. Had a steak for dinner (reverse sear, no pics), but was just itching to get the Flank going. Marinated in light soy, lime & brown sugar for about 2 to 3 hours. Then onto the grill for about 25 minutes and 1 minute a side on infrared sear. Tossed some Zatarains Creole on this baby, both sides during medium grilling.

This is how she turned out:


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Flank Steak has a unique texture as well. Great for wraps and salads. I need to find a better marinade though. A bit too much soy.
Vermin999 said:
BeeRich said:
I need to find a better marinade though. A bit too much soy.

Try some Stubbs Beef Marinade, one of my favorite out of the bottle marinades.

Stubbs is one of the "better for you" out of the bottle marinades too.

Great looking steak! Flank is one of my favorites.
Yeah such a great piece of meat, given the right tools and understanding. Flank is a grill friendly bulk meat that goes into so many items, including my mouth. If that isn't a Seal of approval (west coast joke, I think), then what is?
Well thank you sir. I cut into it a bit early...but I do think Flank Steak has a bad rep. It's a low cost, interesting cut with an easy grilling proposition that I think everybody in the forum can enjoy. It certainly curls up, which shows it has some serious connective tissue in it. Its chew also shows it's a bit of a challenge. But the flavour is there, the price is right, and it's a versatile cut that can really used anywhere, even on its own. Cut up, it can be injected into salads, wraps, and ... mouth. Great deal.
Hey Bee Rich, how you holding up with all the madness surrounding you? Your pretty close to the summit right? Was reading this morning about the extra curricular activities that started there last night.
LOL pretty close? How about 2 blocks from the arranging of the demonstrators for the jail which is 3 blocks away. I just came home because I'm tired, and I wanted to make sure vast amounts of people weren't walking past my house. This town has been nuts for 2 days now. Eating some of the Flank Steak put me into a deep sleep last night, then I went out afterwards.

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