New "I Love..." thread, can't be emotional love, like a spouse or child.

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I'm gonna throw in something really different, just to shake things up a bit.

I love the satisfaction of nailing a horse fly that's been pestering me while I'm trying to catch fish.

I love the shriek of any of my children when ice water dumped over the shower curtain connects with them.

I loved getting out in front of my buddies when we raced through muddy swamps on our dirt bikes, knowing they were getting drenched with wet muck.

I loved the satsifying thump of an oppnant on the mat after a perfectly executed Judo throw, especially Horiah Goshi.

I love flying down a steep, snow covered hill, with only the thicknes of a plastic tobbogan between me and the snow, even when I crash and tumble for half the hill's lenth.

I loved riding in a Navy Jet (S-3A, Viking), and the pilot doing acrobatics.

I love F14 Tomcats doing supersonic fly-overs, breaking the sound berrier 200 feet up from the deck, and then pointing the nose straight up with full afterburners. The raw power of those twin engines is staggering.

I love turning the hose on anybody foolish enough to be in the yard with me while I'm watering anything.

I love taking corners at unsafe speeds on a great motorcycle.

I love tickling my cat's belly, and getting him to claw and bite me because I'm faster than he is and he gets so frustrated.

I love the many posts on this thread.

I love stirring the pot, so to speak.

I love a good adrenaline rush.

I love extraordinary music, of any type, and usually, the more odd it is, the better I like it. Think bands like "Yes", "Emerson, Lake, & Palmer", Rush, Pat Mathini, Bobby Darin (Mac The Knife), and the list goes on.

I love great jazz.

I love music that starts strong. Think of songs like "Jet City Woman", "It's Been Such A Long Time", Beetoven's Fifth", "The Tocata Fuge in D Minor", "Eruption" etc.

I love the flavor of clover honey and butter on toast. I love Buckwheat Honey on Pancakes, I love Grade-B Maple Syrup.

I love cheddar cheese so sharp, it almost curls your toes, and it definitely makes your jaw muscles ache when you first bite into it.

I hate vulgarity, and vulgar humor. It really turns me off.

I loved riding an aluminum flying saucer, connected by a 20 foot rope, to a very fast snowmobile and sizzling accross a snow-crust covered field at about 75 MPH.

I used to love the free-fall I'd get from jumping off of a 30 foot cliff to the bottom of the sand-pit, where I'd tuck and roll the landing.

I love the exhilleration of placing ten arrows into a 3 inch square target from 50 yards.

I loved that my son couldn't draw my bow until he reached the age of 19, and couldn't draw it easily until he reached 25.

I love riding nimble motorcycles.

I loved it when my body was 20 and I could ride dirt bikes up amaziningly difficult hills in Southern Callifornia.

I loved too much the acceleration of a Honda 650, where I traveled from 0 to 120 so quickly and smoothly that I had no idea how fast I was going until I looked away from the tach and speedometer, and the cars that were supposed to be traveling in the same direction, seemed like they were comming toward me, and they were doing 55 mph. Of course I backed down to the speed limit and knew I could never own such a machine as I would get myself into too much trouble. Speed is addictive, or rather, acceleration is addictive.

I love taking my glasses off just before going to bed.

That's all for now.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
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I love looking at the stars on a warm summer night.
I love watching a storm.
I love a back massage.
I love family get togethers.
I love how babies wrap their little fingers around your finger.
I love the colors of autumn.
I love watching my adult children laugh and talk with each other.
I love Saturday mornings with a cup of coffee, my feet propped up, reading my newspaper.
I love the feel and smell of fresh sheets.
My list could go on and on. :) This is a great thread.
I couldn't let my strange list stand alone.

I love babies, everything about them.
I love how I feel compelled to nuture and teach them.
I love how I feel compelled to protect them.
I love watching their progression.
I love the innocence of youth.
I love feeding them.
I love placing my hands against their feet as they try to move themselves for the first time, and feel them push against me to move forward.
I love their smiles and laughter.

Everything I love about babies, I love about children.

Teens, well there are times I believe they should all be placed on some island where adults don't have to see or deal with them until they become humans, oh around the age of 21 or so, give or take a few years. There are other times where they make me believe the world is going to be in very good hands.

I love baked beans
I love a great steak
I love great pork
I love brook trout, especially the wild ones caught from Lake Superior
I love watching my grown children work toward their dreams
I love watching them enjoy each other so much
I love singing with my girls
I love playing my harmonica
I love the feeling of cold milk splashing down my throat and the feel of it spreading through my stomach on a hot day.
I love malts
I love smelt
I love good hot dogs roasted on a stick over a camp fire
I loved messing with the DC Women who frequented the hot tub.
I love my freinds here on DC
And since I can't by my own rules anounce my greatest love, I will go with my second greatest love. And that is the Church to which I belong, and more importantly, my Savior.

And sometimes, just sometimes, I love being a rascal.:rolleyes:

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
I love playing piano, the music coming through me heals my soul.
I love doing Tai Chi and feeling like I'm dancing with all creation.
I love the sound of my own voice because it means I'm still alive and I've beaten cancer for now.
I love volunteering at the hospice, knowing I'm easing the way for those in transition.
I love doing Reiki, sharing god's love with all.
I love the Reiki ideals I cherish, "For today only do not anger, do not worry.
With gratitude, devote yourself to your spiritual work. Be kind to all beings."
I love this thread and all who've shared their grace and beauty.
I love myself.
On a warm summer day, I love lying on a bed of pine needles under a big ol' Ponderosa pine tree. It is so relaxing to hear the birds and chipmunks chattering off in the distance. The call of a red tail hawk as it circles the sky. But most of all I love the smell of the pines as they bake in the afternoon summer sun. As I lie there watching the summer clouds float by, I realize that I love being outdoors.
So many things that I am grateful to "love". So I'll make mine short and sweet cuz otherwise I'll keep thinking of things I didn't mention.

I love the ocean!!!! :D)
I love my dreams... I live a second life in them.

I love watching my fish... brings peace and tranquility to my mood.

I love sushi

I love the experience of food, cooking, tasting, smelling.

I love the beauty of every living thing on this planet, why it is the way it is and it's purpose for being that way.

I love the smell of freshly laundered bed sheets.

I love the feel of a cozy blanket fresh out of the dryer.

I love hot baths complete with candles, aeromatics, and some bubbly!!!!

I love the simple things in life.
(Family and husband aside)
-I love those moments of insight when I know I will never be the same again.
-I love when my cat excitedly runs to me after I arrive home from a long day at work.
-I love sunshine in the winter that makes the snow glisten.
-I love when I find a connection with someone.
-I love laughing so hard my face and stomach actually hurt.
-I love eating good food, drinking a glass of wine, and sharing a good conversation with friends.
-I love seeing people give unselfishly of themselves.
-I love kayaking down a lazy river enjoying the sounds and sights of nature.
-I love the vastness of the mountains and how they remind me of how big and powerful God is.
-I love learning something that totally "rocks my boat".
-I love hearing song lyrics that minister to my soul.
-I love those times when it all makes sence- the feeling of knowing this is why I was created, this is what I was meant to do.
-I love being good to my body- eating "healthy" whole foods (90% of the time the other 10% I love to indulge in not so healthy "treats") and going for long walks.
-I love the fall- colors, leaves changing, crisp air, apple orchards...
-I love friends who understand me and accept me for who I am and who I can become.
-I love cooking and baking and the feeling of accomplishment when I have created something that tastes fantastic!
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