Corn Roast/Pot Luck

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Was invited today to a Corn Roast being held in a month (Sept 10). Hosts will be supplying the corn and hot dogs. Was asked to bring a dish.

'Anything specific?' 'No, anything you would like.'

'How many people are coming?' 'Oh, 40 or 50...' 'OK, what if 25 people turn up with potato salad?' 'Not to worry it will work out - it will all be eaten'. hmmmm

OK ok .. I'll (try to) go along with that... I am not the organizer.. (OMG, omg, omg - I'm such a control freak!!!!)

So I'm looking for suggestions of what to bring!

Salads: A bean salad, a couscous salad, tabouli, pasta salad (a gazillion recipes there!), think I will stay away from potato salad?

Finger foods? Tortillas spread with.. whatever.. rolled around.. whatevers and sliced into rounds. Endless possibilities there. make a bunch of deviled eggs? salad on a stick?
What else???

Desserts? ... have no idea, not my forte.. not that I can't.. just prefer the savoury end of it.

I have a month and I will agonize each and every day .. (I'm guessing you are all figuring out now that I have a bit of a problem with making decisions... :D)
I find that, often, events like this end up with a dearth of veggies. So I generally bring something heavy on the veg. Salad on a stick is fun - tomato, cucumber, feta, olives, drizzled with Greek dressing. Or Middle Eastern village salad - diced tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, olives, with red wine vinaigrette.

Or Mexican seven-layer dip is always popular.
I was in a similar situation not long ago and I decided on seasonal fruit kabobs on those long toothpicks; no dipping sauce though, ya know that whole double dipping business, ACK! :glare:
Another recipe that I've recently found that is a big hit is a Summer Slaw, there's a gazillion recipes out there to jump off from.
As for a sweet for that many folks, a Texas Sheet Cake could work.
Me, I took all 3 of the above... not for 40-50 people but maybe 20-25 or so... there's gonna be other folks brinin' tons of stuff, right, why not make more of a variety in smaller portions.
Breathe, dragnlaw, breathe. It will be alright.

In lieu of tabouli, mostly because it is easier, I like making (and eating) Balela. You can scoop it with a pita chip, you can eat it with a fork, so easy to toss together. It must be good because even Himself loves it, and he's been slow to warm up to non-Slavic foods until the last few years. I'm not big on mint, so I omit it and up the parsley to 3/4 cup when I make it. You can mix it a day early, holding out the tomato, parsley/(mint), and jalepeno until the day of the picnic.

Then you have Cheryl's Black Bean and Corn salad. Yes, I know the hosts are providing corn. But some might not want to gnaw it off of a cob. I suppose you could reduce the corn by half and swap it with pinto beans for a twist.

Whatever you take, relax and have fun.
Some savory food options:
1. Crab Rangoons
2. Mini Pigs in the Blanket, made with little smoked sausagers and crescent rolls.
3. Petite Sandwich bites (sandwiches cut into 2 inch squares), some with ham and cheese, some with salami, some with pepperoni and sliced olives, some with egg salad, etc.
4. Nice relish tray including different kinds of pickles, and veggies, with olives
5. Skewered meat on a stick - meat of choice cut into strips, with bamboo skewer running through them. Fry in hot oil and coat with sauce of choice.
6. Spaghetti Cabanara
7. Cheese macaroni
8. Baked beans w/ a bit of chili powder added
9. 3 bean salad
10. home made salsa with fried corn tortilla chips
11. Gazpacho

Some sweet and easy options
1. Puff pastry cups filled with various pie fillings of your choice
2. dump cake, flavors like spice cake mix with apple pie filling, devil's food with cherry pie fillng, yellow cake with peach or blueberry pie filling, etc.
4. fudge
5. cinnamon rolls
6. monkey bread
7. fruit salad
8. Knox Blocks (recipe on Knox unflavored gelatine box, or online, very popular)
9. home made pop tarts
10. Frozen banana alices on a stick, dipped in chocolate and kept in freezer until serving time
11. fruit kabobs

The other posts give great ideas as well. Have fun with this.

Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
MY Goodness! You've all certainly given me a lot of fodder to feed on! Thank you all. I'm checking them all out.

I've filed your Nappa Cabbage Slaw PF, sounds scrumptious. Question... the Wasabi powder (in a tiny can) that I have, seems to be really weak and I just never use it anymore. I prefer to use a paste in a tube that gives a good punch. Did I just get a bad can? or is the powder always weak compared to paste?

I also can't open the link for Dragon Lady - it just comes up blank. But I went to her blog.. still haven't found the noodle recipe you seem to be talking about. Became mesmerized for almost 35 min. Want to try that beef soup, just for myself.

I'll have to ask about the big pot heating. I suppose if I reserve a burner from her ahead of time as those chili ideas also sound good.

Or stick with finger foods that don't require a spoon or fork. I've made plenty of salads on a stick. My grandkids love to help me make those - they are so proud to say they made them when everybody oohhs and aahhs!

:ROFLMAO: as I said earlier - I will probably change my mind everyday and then hit the panic button the day before! :wacko:
MY Goodness! You've all certainly given me a lot of fodder to feed on! Thank you all. I'm checking them all out.

I've filed your Nappa Cabbage Slaw PF, sounds scrumptious. Question... the Wasabi powder (in a tiny can) that I have, seems to be really weak and I just never use it anymore. I prefer to use a paste in a tube that gives a good punch. Did I just get a bad can? or is the powder always weak compared to paste?

I also can't open the link for Dragon Lady - it just comes up blank. But I went to her blog.. still haven't found the noodle recipe you seem to be talking about. Became mesmerized for almost 35 min. Want to try that beef soup, just for myself.

I'll have to ask about the big pot heating. I suppose if I reserve a burner from her ahead of time as those chili ideas also sound good.

Or stick with finger foods that don't require a spoon or fork. I've made plenty of salads on a stick. My grandkids love to help me make those - they are so proud to say they made them when everybody oohhs and aahhs!

:ROFLMAO: as I said earlier - I will probably change my mind everyday and then hit the panic button the day before! :wacko:

Use the paste wasabi, I have found my can is weak, too.

Dragon Lady Noodles, look for Monday, April 19th 2010, Dragon Lady Kitchen blog
My go to is a riff on a caprese salad. Sliced tomatoes interlaced with sliced baby mozzarella and basil leaves - drizzled with balsamic. Make a big beautiful platter with end of the summer tomatoes.

here's a nice article about how to make: Caprese Salad | The Pioneer Woman

Tarnation Janet!!!! yuh gots me droolin' !! She (pioneer woman) has excellent recipes, especially for crowds.

I have an obsessive/compulsive condition called "make everything and all of it". :chef: So when I do, it goes to the point where everything is almost a disaster because I take on too much. I'm 71 and still have not learned to delegate nor (more importantly) to simplify!

Think I better start begging you guys to stop with the suggestions! :pig: :ROFLMAO:

OK, so now the new plan is to make a salad dish to say, maybe serve 8. Preferably make ahead as in the day before. Then a side dish, serve 8, also the day before. Last but not least a dessert.... hmmm texas....
GG I thought the very same thing.

But then again, as per Anne Burelle (sp?) "get a life folks, it happens!" when she was questioned about double dipping while she was cooking... :winkiss:
GG I thought the very same thing.

But then again, as per Anne Burelle (sp?) "get a life folks, it happens!" when she was questioned about double dipping while she was cooking... :winkiss:

Heh. Yeah, it doesn't bother me much, either. Nothing is sterile but an operating room ;) Just thought I'd mention it for K'girl.
Heh. Yeah, it doesn't bother me much, either. Nothing is sterile but an operating room ;) Just thought I'd mention it for K'girl.

Yeah, just can't do any sort of dips, sauces, drizzles, dunks, fountains and so on that involve more than my closest friends and family.
You are right that "nothing is sterile but an operating room", I just don't care to take that chance, ya know norovirus and the like. :(
And so, for myself, I would not suggest to others to serve to a large gathering of humankind, dippable foods, because, well, we're all human after all. :alien:
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