The Person Below Me

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
No I don't...but since hubby doesn't get home until 8-9 I have no choice.

has to frost the cupcakes soon.
i was. now its over and all frozen. yuck.

TPBM would like to stay home today.
No but I have extra on the bed...a few on the couch and one on the office chair "just incase"

is going to stay home, stay in and try to stay warm
actually i was suposed to attend my uncle bob's funeral but the funeral is being rescheduled due to icy roads.

is thinking about what to fix for todays lunch
I've packed Paul's lunch already, leftovers from last night, a bannana,chips,two cupcakes and an extra sandwich incase he can't make it home tonight.
I'll have a sandwich or bowl of soup.

likes to have a drink before bed
Lazy Monday is where you've enjoyed the weekend so much you hate to have to go back to work on Monday and you feel a little sluggish.

Nope not finished with christmas shopping.
Yep! They are even all wrapped expect one that I'm having trouble with.

likes to ride horses
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