Green Roma Tomatoes

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
My Roma plants went wild, pulled over their cages (I usually stake them but didn't this year) and with last nights' rain are pretty much beaten into the ground. I will try to upright them but I've already seen several branches with green tomatoes broken off. Seems like an awful lot of them.

Question is... What do I do with green Roma tomatoes?

Never really have done green tomatoes of any sort before.
Fried green tomatoes, pickles, relish, chutney, fritters, on and on. Just Google green tomato recipes and you'll find there are a lot of choices.

You might even be able to get some of them to ripen if you put them in a paper bag.
I'd gladly trade places with you for your tomato dilemma. We love pickled green tomatoes. My brother gave me a recipe, don't know where he got it, many years ago and it's yummy. I'll look for it and post it if I find it before it's too late for your purpose.

I'd wanted to make some green tomato pickles this year but the gods weren't with us. Had high hopes of using cherry tomatoes. Maybe next year.
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Most green tomatoes will ripen off the vine. Add an apple in the bag with the tomatoes (paper, not plastic); it puts out ethylene gas, which accelerates ripening.

I've also made green tomato gratin with caramelized onions, thyme and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. Good stuff :yum:
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Yeah, I've ripened lots of tomatoes that way but sometimes they are just too young. And a lot of these are. Guess it is chutney and relish coming up. And a pickle recipe is on its way... :LOL:

Thanks guys, I was just blank (that really seems to be happening a lot lately.. :ermm:).

No offence Jen - I love to make soup, but after one bowl it goes in the freezer and stays for more than a year. So I have to conclude I'm not really a big fan and should cut back on making them.

Hey! but that sounds like a good thread - have to check it out - favourite soups!
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